First Taste Of Water

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Peter set Abandon down and led him upstairs. Abandon tripped on the stairs but he regained his balance and charged forward. His tail wagged a bit but he tried not to shake in case he splattered dirt and mud all over the walls.

Peter pushed open a door and it looked so strange to Abandon. It was white with a strange circular object with a tower behind him. When he pushed forward he saw that a long structure faced him and when he looked up another circular thing was placed on top of it. He snorted and turned to the last object. It was white and oval shaped with a rod on the top and a strange thin material that could cover it.

Abandon growled and pawed at it. His claws couldn't penetrate the white material and he drew back, in fear. He slammed into the tall object and fear coursed through him as he thought that the circular thing above him would fall and shatter on his head.

Peter threw his back pack down and stretched out a hand. "Hey calm down," chided Peter as he turned and sat on the white material that was oval.

Abandon narrowed his eyes to slits. "What are all of these things," he asked as he looked around, feeling closed in. He'd felt like this in the lab and he was wondering if he'd made a mistake in trusting Peter.

Peter smiled a bit and pointed to the first object that Abandon had seen. "This is a toilet where humans go to the bathroom."

Abandon pricked his ears. "Why not go outside?"

Peter ran his hands through the hair on the back of his neck, chuckling a bit. "I honestly don't know why," he confessed before he turned to the tall object that Abandon was afraid would fall on him.

"That's the sink. Water comes out of the spout," he explains as he pushes himself to his feet and padded toward it. He turned a knob and water sprayed out. Abandon fell backwards and snarled, his tail lashing.

Peter then turned back to the oval object. "This is the shower or tub. This is where you are going to take a bath."

"Am I that bad," Abandon asked as he turned his head to try and find the dirt clumps in his pelt.

Peter smiled and picked up Abandon before he set him down in the tub. Peter turned on the water and Abandon jumped backwards. He closed the spout so that no water would drip down the drain. Abandon pawed at the water and he growled at it.

"Don't worry, it's just water," chided Peter as he nudged Abandon forward a bit. All four of Abandon's paws plunged into the water. He tried to leap back but Peter had a firm hand on his back. He began pouring cup fulls of water down Abandon's back. "You may want to spread your wings."

Abandon sighed and lifted his wings so that Peter could see them clearly. Peter touched a feather and gasped. "So is it true," he inquired as he took some shampoo and squeezed it all over Abandon's pelt. He began to rub in it and bubbles fell into the water. "What you said about the eagle DNA?"

Abandon nodded before he raised a paw and flicked soap from his eyes with his talon like claws. "Yes. The first thing I remember was waking up in a lab. The humans there wanted animal hybrids. Their latest interest was wolf and eagle together. They had the eagle DNA and mixed it with mine. This is what happened."

He would have spread his wings again but soap was beginning to drip from them. Once he was all soaped up Peter ran the water again and placed his hands under the water to clean his hands. He then grabbed the cup and filled it with water before he poured it over Abandon's pelt.

"Can you actually fly," asked Peter as he tried to clear all of the suds from Abandon's pelt.

Abandon nodded. "I think so but I don't know," he confessed as he closed his eyes as Peter poured water over his face. "I haven't actually tried and no one can teach me."

Peter sighed before he used the last of the water that he needed and sat back on the floor. "Do you have any other powers of an eagle?"

Abandon shrugged before he flicked his tail tip. "I'm sure yet. I guess I'll just have to find out." He then leaped out of the bathtub and Peter threw a towel over him. He then rubbed it over his fur, trying to dry him off.

"So these are your aunt and uncle," Abandon asked as he pointed his paw toward a small picture of them hanging in the bathroom.

Peter nodded before he unwrapped the towel from Abandon. "Yep. They've raised me since I was six."

"What happened to your parents," asked Abandon as he leaned forward, his ears pricked.

Peter shook his head before he stood up and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "I'm not sure." He then opened the bathroom door. "Let me show you my room."

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