The Lab

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The humans carried the small pup by the scruff and trailed through the rain. The pup wailed and churned it's paws in the sky.

The humans suddenly veered into a strange building. When they walked in the doors were all white with lots of hallways. However the men knew there way and they knew exactly where they wanted to take the pup.

They strode down a few hallways before they ducked into a room. A scientist sat but when he heard the men he turned, his hands folded. "You managed it," he gasped hopefully.

"Sort of," grumbled one of the men that held the pup. He placed the pup on an examining table and the scientist strode over. He placed his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose and leaned forward, his brow furrowed.

"This pup might actually work better than his parents," the scientist murmured, half to himself. "However we do have to wait until he's weaned from milk and when he opens his eyes so he's strong enough to take it."

The men nodded and once took the pup roughly by the scruff. "I'll put him with the others," he told the scientist before he turned and the other man followed, placing his gun back in his holster.

They made a few more rights until they made it to a room with howling and barking creatures. Some were dogs, some were cats, and some were other creatures but they were hybrids. They were mixed with other species to try and made them perfect.

However they had their prize creature now, a wolf mutt. They wanted to mix the pup's DNA with that of an eagle's and see what happened. They had the eagle ready but not the pup.

The man found a small cage with a shredded blanket and moldy water. He threw the pup in there and he collided with the ground harshly. He yelped and flailed his paws, crying for his mother. However his mother wouldn't come but he didn't now that.

He didn't know that he would have to wait months either until they were ready to test his DNA. This would be the beginning of an awful experience.

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