Rude Awakening

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Screeches and snarls sounded from the front of the alley. Arrow lifted his head and gasped. "Frost run now!"

Frost lifted her head and her eyes widened as she saw three humans drawing near them with guns! She yelped and sunk her teeth into her son's scruff and darted forward. Arrow spun to face the humans with his teeth bared and muscles braced.

"Leave my family alone," he spat at them but they didn't understand wolf and he didn't understand human.

The human raised a gun and fired right at his chest. Arrow crumpled to the ground, blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

Frost darted to the back of the alley but she couldn't climb the wall. She turned and saw her mate laying on the could and wet ground. "Arrow!"

The humans turned their attention back on Frost and her son. Frost yelped in shock and tried to scramble up the wall but she couldn't make it up. She yelped before she felt a sharp pain in her haunch. She looked down to see blood oozing from her haunch. She gasped and felt the rain began to make the blood ooze more.

She felt another painful gash in her chest. She dropped back down on all fours and struggled to breath as blood oozed into her lung. She set her pup down and breathed deeply, her eyes beginning widen as she struggled to breath.

The humans drew near and stretched out a hand toward the pup. Frost snarled and snapped her teeth close to their fingers. No one was going to take him while she was still alive.

"Kill her," whispered one human to the other. The human raised the gun and shot her in the throat, killing her instantly. She fell to the ground and her eyes rolled back in her head.

Her son wailed for it's mother and father but of course they couldn't come. A human surged forward and snagged him by the scruff. His eyes weren't even open yet but the humans didn't care. They needed a wolf with certain DNA.

His father would have been a perfect match but his son would have to count.

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