Unforscene Circumstances

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Rain pelt down from the sky on New York City. New Yorkers were usually grumpy but the rain made them even more agitated. They honked their horns angrily and shouted at anyone who crossed their paths.

Today they were targeting their rage at a lithe dark brown and white male wolf. He weaved through the traffic as he fought to keep ahead of the large dogs chasing him. His breath was caught in his throat but he couldn't stop now.

What was manly slowing him down was a very small pup that was hanging from his mouth. He looked like a mini copy of his father except he had more white hints. He got that from his mother who was waiting for them back at their makeshift den.

The wolf cast a glance over his shoulder and heard snarls behind him. Two large dogs were on his trail but he knew that it wasn't the dogs that wanted him, it was their owners.

Once he regained his breath he surged forward, splashing through puddles and sending water splattering against his underbelly. He crossed a busy highway, nearly being hit numerous times. He stopped to catch his breath on the side of the road and a car slammed into his haunch.

He screeched and his son flew from his grasp. He yelped and skidded close to the storm drain. The male wolf howled in agony and he could feel that numerous bones in his hind leg were broken. He couldn't worry about that now though, he had his son to protect.

He hauled himself forward and sunk his teeth into his son's scruff once more, trying to contain his pain. He hobbled forward, feeling his body howl in protest. He turned into a narrow alleyway and shoved his forward. He whimpered a bit but didn't hear a response.

He set down his son and let out a deep howl. A few heartbeats later a beautiful long furred white wolf padded from a cardboard den. Her brilliant green eyes shown in the street lights and when she caught sight of her mate she surged forward. She leaned forward and touched her nose to her mate's cheek, rumbling happily. Her tail wagged before she began to lick at his ear.

He rumbled back before he pushed her back a bit. He looked over his shoulder once more before he grasped his son back between his teeth. He lumbered forward, favoring his hind leg. His mate noticed and her eyes softened in concern.

"What happened Arrow," she asked with her usual gentle and light voice. She drew close to his haunch and sniffed it, feeling the pain of her mate.

Arrow spun around, his eyes trying desperately not to betray his body and show his true pain. "It's nothing Frost, I promise." He smiled a bit but a sharp jolt of pain erupted though his body and he collapsed to the ground, his son nearly falling from his muzzle.

Frost surged forward and sunk her teeth into the pup's scruff. She set him down gently and turned to her mate."Tell me what happened," she ordered, a bit more forcefully.

Arrow sighed and laid down, panting. "I was being chased again and one of those human cars hit my haunch. It's nothing major. It could have been much worse, I assure you."

"I know that Arrow but this is going too far," Frost pointed out as she leaned forward and began to groom her mate's fur soothingly.

Arrow sighed and rested his head on his paws. "What do you want me to do," he asked with narrowed and confused eyes.

"I don't know," confessed Frost as she laid beside her mate and placed her pup against her underbelly so that he could nurse. Rain continued to pelt down on them but they didn't seek shelter. Right now the rain was washing away their despair. "I really don't know."

Arrow turned his head and rested it on his mate's back. "I love you Frost and I'm sorry I got you into this. They want me, not you."

"But why," complained Frost as she squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered to try and stop from crying in front of her mate. She had to remain strong. "Why do they want you so bad. There are other wolves."

"I know Frost but my DNA is perfect for their experiments but I'm not about to be brought into some Starbound forsaken lab and being tested one!" A growl rolled in his throat but more pain jolted from his leg and he looked to it. "But with this injury I don't know how much longer I can stay away from them."

The little pup suddenly let out a wail and Frost turned to him, licking him between the ears. "This isn't fair for our son," pointed out Arrow. "Always running and moving. "

"I'm sure he won't remember it," assured Frost as she touched her nose to his. "We just have to be more careful, that's all."

Arrow smiled a bit before he felt his eyes close. "Let's just sleep on it and maybe tomorrow the sun will guide us."

"Good idea Arrow," breathed Frost in his mate's ear before she drifted off into her last peaceful slumber.

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