Chapter 8: Lilith

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A single breath, that's all the time it took for the Wolverine to make its move, more so, that's all the time it took for Indra to end the battle.

The beast's saliva had an odd acidic smell to it, one that was uncomfortable to get a whiff of.

'Its poison.'

Indra was inherently afraid of poisonous creatures, especially fast ones.

'But the system mentioned nothing of poison, does that mean it doesn't provide one with all the information about opponents?'

Indra made a silent resolution to not be completely dependent on the information provided by the system from now on.

The mist seemed to be closing in and the Wolverine stalked just on the edge of his...sight or whatever it was called, he still hadn't figured that out yet. In a flash the beast attacked but to Indra, the movement was almost like watching it in slow motion.

Under his breath, Indra muttered two words. "Draigan Aansoo."

On the tip of his finger, what looked to be a single teardrop appeared. This was no teardrop, this was death.

He rotated his body to the side, letting the beast miss by only a hair's width and forcing it to take the dragon's tear with it. One moment the beast attacked with vigour and the next it was alight with flames. These flames consumed the Wolverine from the inside out. It was as if the fire was consuming it. The body seemed to implode and in seconds all that remained of his foe was a pile of ashes and a feeling of pure joy.

After a moment or two, some shimmering light radiated off of the ashes and Indra's body absorbed it. As soon as it came into his body Indra tried to circulate it immediately. This time he tried it without any posture, only his mind. For a few moments, he thought that it wasn't going to work but soon after his body began to feel better, and less fatigued. The energy was dispersed evenly throughout it. It seemed that any time he killed a beast he would get some amount of qi depending on how powerful it was.

With his second wind Indra began walking again through the dense fog that he hadn't gotten used to, he was still uncomfortable. Before he had even taken two steps, a very low, very dangerous-sounding growl resonated throughout the mist. He couldn't tell where it was, it just seemed to be all around him. There was only one thing for sure. Whatever it was, it wanted to kill him. It was more than that, whatever it was, it wanted to rip him to shreds. This feeling was as stifling as the fog itself.

Indra concentrated on the five-meter radius around him, he tried expanding it but no luck there. After that plan failed he had no choice but to wait. He would have to wait and watch. No, that wasn't a good plan he couldn't just wait to be attacked. The growling kept coming but that was it, only growling. Whenever he thought that something had moved in the mist it was only his mind playing tricks on him.

'What do I do?'

A crazy thought came to mind and Indra decided it was better than just standing there, so he didn't, he sat. The mist was a distraction and if he was going to survive he had to find whatever it was that lurked inside it. So, he began meditating. He chose something sometimes known as the five senses meditation. It was a simple form that didn't require any special posture just sitting. To begin all he had to do is focus on his body and close his eyes. He needed to touch each part of his body, not physically but mentally.

He started at his head, he simply thought about it being there and slowly moved his awareness down from there. It was odd, each time he thought about a different part of his body it was as if it glowed in his mind. Like he could see a view of his entire body and as he thought of his head it lit up like a beacon then his shoulders, arms, torso and so on. When he was done he felt in tune with himself. The entire process only took a few moments.

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