Chapter 2: Escape

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Indra awoke and instantly put his hands to his head, his eyes were already shut but the pain only made him shut them tighter. He then preceded to cover his ears, Indra could hear everything, small twigs or something of similar size poked him in the back while he writhed in pain on what he assumed to be the ground.

What is that god awful stench.

Indra didn't understand what was happening. He began sweating, his body was on fire. Instead of sitting their suffering he tried to focus, which relieved the burden a bit. Actually it completely disappeared but only for a moment. Seconds later and the pain resurfaced again as if he lay under the beating sun of the desert. The sheer amount of sensory input he was taking in made it impossible to focus.

Indra remembered something from his days at the monastery that always helped him relax and gather his thoughts, a form of meditation. He attempted once again to gather himself and his thoughts only to fail once more. He just couldn't seem to pull himself together. The simple act of sitting up became a problem, among other things. His head throbbed and it was as if someone was repeatedly kicking it. When he was finally able to sit up he focused on his posture, the distraction helped a bit but not much.

Mindful meditation was the form he chose. The posture called for sitting upright with his back erect. His gaze would come next, Indra slowly pried his eyes open. This act took all of his will power just to pull off and he regretted the action every bit when he finally prevailed.

He spoke through clenched teeth. "Shit!"

They burned, he wasn't even looking at the sun but the light burned his eyes!

With his eyes finally opened Indra realized he wasn't on the ground at all. He could see leaves and branches surrounding him and he was in what seemed to be some sort of nest.

Where the hell am I?

With all the pain distracting him he inhaled a deep breath through his nose, that was a bad choice. He seemed to be able to smell more than what he saw here. It was some sort of feces that was bombarding his nose. He wouldn't be doing that again. This whole situation was insane to him. Small twigs and branches poked Indra's palms as he cautiously made his way to the edge of nest whilst struggling to keep his eyes open, they burned so bad that tears came streaking out. The annoying but slight pain whenever he would happen upon a pointed twig or branch was seriously beginning to urk him as well. Upon arrival at the edge Indra's eyes widened and he squealed, not only in pain from the amount of light his sensitive eyes took in but also in fear. The noise that came out of his mouth made him sort of thankful there was no one around to hear it. Although, if he had to choose between being where he was in that moment or making that same noise amidst a crowd full of hundreds of people he'd choose the latter.

Indra crawled backward on his feet and hands as hastily as possible falling multiple times on his way back to the middle of the nest. Completely ignoring the pain of the sharper sticks that assaulted his palms or the more severe pain that was beginning to blind him due to the sheer amount of tears falling from his eyes. He was so high up that he couldn't even see the ground which was covered in a thick blanket of mist. His breaths began to come less steadily and much deeper than before. Somehow he would need to calm down before it turned into hyperventilation. Indra was deathly afraid of heights. Once again he came to the conclusion of meditation.

Indra was confident that this technique would help so he sat down and focused despite everything that was happening to him. He placed his gaze a couple of inches in front of his nose and his eyes remained open. He made his gaze soft and was careful not to stare. The technique was to purposely ignore his surroundings without the help of closing his eyes. Training the mind to be calm, relaxed whilst in the midst of distraction. Finally, Indra began Meditating. So many distractions, so much information flooding his senses. It seemed almost impossible to him that he would be able to pull it off but eventually he succeeded. His mind blanked and it was as if the world around him had disappeared.

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