Stolen-Chapter 7

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          The past couple of days you’ve found yourself leaning against him when walking somewhere, and enjoying his fingers wrapped with yours. The best was when you guys were joking and talking, in front of your class before it began, and he would pull you into his body. His arm wrapped around your shoulders, tugging you close and kissing you on the cheek or forehead. He was making Jack, and everything that happened with him, slowly fade. Sure, everything still reminded you of Jack, but Sam was helping with that and you were grateful for it.

            Sam hadn’t kissed you yet, but you knew you would let him. Your thoughts were that he was going to make a move on you at tonight’s party, and too be honest there were butterflies that floating around in your stomach at just the thought of him kissing you.

            For the party you dressed in white shorts with an oversized concert t-shirt, it was old and raggedy; you loved it. You put on black converse and left your wavy hair alone, fixing your make up and making sure you looked comfortable, but edgy. Sam picked you up around 8 and wore a smile while he talked to your mom. When he saw you his eyes brightened and his smile widened, “Hey, you look great.”

            You blushed and gave him a smile, leaning up and giving him a kiss to the cheek. “Thanks, ready to go?” You asked him.

            “Sure,” He said and twirled his keys in his hands. You said goodbye to your mom and headed for his car, the car ride to the party was full of laughs and jokes, like it always was between you guys.

            The moment you got to the party, you realized how packed it would be. You walked into the house and Sam grabbed onto your hand, holding you close. The disgusting smell of pot clogged the air around you, but you were used to it, Sam found Johnson and Jack, Leigh hanging on his arm.

            “Hello, kiddies,” Johnson said with a smile, before taking a drag from the blunt.

            You smiled, “Hey guys,”

            “Want a drink?” Sam asked in your ear.

            You looked up at him and leaned into him. He leaned down so he could hear you, “No, I want to dance.”

            Sam leaned back and gave you a big smile, he looked towards the guys and said, “See you guys later, the girl wants to dance.”

            You noticed how hard Jack’s gaze was, his jaw was tightened and his eyes staring at you. You shook off his gaze, while shutting out the thoughts that maybe he was still dealing with his feelings towards you, and let Sam pulled you into the living room where teens were dancing, sitting on the couch and making out and some were smoking but most were drinking. Sam had told you he wouldn’t smoke tonight, or drink because he was driving, because he knew you hated it. Soon enough both of you were dancing to the fast beat, your chest pressed so his chest, his hands holding onto your hips, his lips pressed to your shoulder and neck. Heat was suffocating you, but you loved it. You never really went to parties, but what you loved the most was being able to dance and drink some.

            A couple songs later Sam had grabbed your hand and pulled you into the kitchen, you rested against the counter and smiled up at him. Sam smiled down at you and took the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up to wipe away the sweat that was on his forehead. You caught sight of his tone stomach, and your belly squeezed, your cheeks flushed a darker pink and he noticed.

            Sam grinned and stepped closer, he rested his hands on the counter top and his head dipped down towards you. Your hands fell to his hips and you watched as his eyelashes just brushed his cheeks, for some reason you couldn’t wait until his lips were on yours. While you had your three date fling with him, you guys hadn’t kissed, but it didn’t mean you didn’t want too.

            “Sorry to interrupt,” Johnson said coming to stand next to you, Sam groaned lowly so only you could hear.

            You laughed and pushed him back a bit and looked at Johnson, “It’s okay, what’s up?”

            “Have you seen Jack? I need to talk to him about MAGcon,” Johnson explained.

            You looked up at Jack and he shook his head, you did too. “Sorry, Johnson, but while you guys talk, I’m going to the bathroom.” You said and walked towards the stairs of the house. You didn’t open the first door you found because it was locked, you opened the next one because it wasn’t locked, but you immediately regretted it.

            Sure, it was the bathroom, but you came face to face with Jack’s naked backside, Leigh’s legs wrapped around his waist as he had her up against the sink. You immediately felt the sting of the acid pushing up your throat, your stomach couldn’t handle the sight. Jack turned around, the second he saw it was you he pulled up his pants, but you were already walking down the hallway.

            “Y/N!” Jack yelled.

            You turned around, “Johnson needs to talk to you, but I’ll tell him it can wait.”

            “Y/N..” Jack said slowly, pulling his shirt on.

            You shook your head, blinking away the tears, “Seriously, go back to Leigh, but make sure the doors locked next time.”

            You went to go walk away but Jack gripped your wrist so hard that you couldn’t get away, “Don’t walk away from me,” It sounded like a threat, so you shoved his chest.

            “No! I’ll walk away from you if I fucking want too! It isn’t my fault that you were having sex with Leigh, after you all but told me you had feelings for me. I’m not dealing with this anymore, Jack! I’m moving on and you need to let me.” You blew up, not caring who heard or who saw. He needed to stop controlling your feelings and needed to learn to let you go. You had finally begun to move on, but then this shit happens.

            “Move on with Sam? That’s who you’re going to use? Fucking Sam?” Jack asked, anger rising in him.

            “I’m not using Sam! He actually wants me and I’m fucking falling for him so let me!” You shoved him again and he let go of your wrist.

            Any anger that was in Jack drained right out of him, everything about his demeanor changed. His eyes turned to sadness and his shoulders slouched, “Falling for him, huh?”

            You weren’t able to answer because he didn’t let you. “I hope he treats you right then,” Jack said before pushing past you and walking down the hall and down the stairs.

Stolen- Jack Gilinsky Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now