Stolen- Chapter 5

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            Lunch rolled around and you decided to spend it in the library, you had some math homework and chem homework to get through and thought it would be better to do the homework and not see Jack. Friday you sat with your best friend and her friends, Jack hadn’t made a big deal of it because you sometimes sat with them. You had to beg Johnson and Sam not to come with you and to spend lunch with Jack and Leigh, so he doesn’t freak out, you eventually told Johnson you just needed quiet and space. His response was filled with sass on how he would be quiet, you gave him just as much sass when you told him to go away. He smiled and gave your cheek a quick kiss before walking away to lunch.

            Your mind was spinning from a math problem when a brown bag was placed in front of you, you glanced up to see Jack mocking to sit down before you. Your heart dropped at the sight of him, he slid his backpack off and nodded towards the bag. “Mom made her cookies yesterday and thought you could do with some, she also says to tell you that she misses you and to come for dinner sometime this week.” He said.

            You opened the bag and was met with the scent of his mom’s perfect snicker doodle cookies. You took out the bag and found 10 of them staring back at you, you smiled because his mom’s cookies was like taking a bite of heaven. “Tell her I said thank you,” You answered, placing them back in the bag and putting it to the side. You couldn’t eat with Jack sitting in front of you, your stomach was doing sickening flips and making you feel dizzy.

            You gave him a little smile and looked down at the homework, maybe if you kept doing your homework he would go away. It was worth a try. But then you heard rustling and looked up to find Jack getting out his chem and history book along with his notes. You sighed, “Where’s Leigh?”

            Jack didn’t look up, “Told her I had to do some homework,”

            You put down your pencil and stared at him, “You never do homework,”

            Jack looked up at you and gave you a smile, “I know, but I needed to talk to you.”

            You sighed and sat back, rubbing your forehead. “Jack we don’t-“

            Jack leaned forward on his elbows and  cut you off, “Yeah we do, Y/N, you haven’t spoken to me in 5 fucking days, and not due to my lack of trying.”

            You looked away. He shouldn’t be doing this in school, you were on the verge of tears 24/7 and Sam or Johnson wasn’t here to keep Jack away. Coming here alone was a really bad idea. You folded your arms across his chest and tried to keep the tears at bay. “Jack,” You whispered.

            “We made a mistake, but I’m not letting you just act like our friendship means nothing.” Jack said, running a hand through his hair.

            A mistake. Sex with you was a mistake. That word rang inside your head loudly, bouncing around and causing a headache to form right behind your eyes. You gave him the best smile you could force out and nodded, “You’re right,”

            Jack breathed out a sigh of relief and looked down at his homework, “So, now that I have my best friend back, help me with the homework.”

            You were about to say something when the bell rang, thankful for your savior, you got up and shoved your things in your bag. “I’ll see you later, Jack.” You said before throwing your backpack on and walking quickly out the library, not listening to Jack to wait for you. You took a couple of turns and made sure you disappeared within the crowd as tears gathered in your eyes. You found Johnson and Sam talking next to a class and knew Jack wouldn’t be coming this way, he always walked Leigh to last period.

            Johnson looked at you with wide eyes as you wiped the tear that fell. “Y/N, what happened?” He asked after you stopped in front of him.

            “It was a mistake, Jack said it was a mistake.” You told him and looked away, trying to stop yourself before you broke down. Even if you didn’t want to admit those little feelings to anyone, Jack shouldn’t have called it a mistake.

            Johnson didn’t say anything, nor did he acknowledge your hands trying to keep him from hugging you. To you it would draw attention, to him a girl that was like his sister was crying because his friend couldn’t keep it in his pants. He walked right into you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, giving you a squeeze. “He’s a dick, Y/N, he shouldn’t have said that.”

            You let him hold you, that was until you heard Jack’s voice. “Y/N, you okay?” He asked from behind.

            “Fuck me,” You whispered and faced Jack, who had Leigh on his arm, and nodded, taking the tears from your face. “Yeah, um, really bad headache.”

            Jack nodded but you could see he didn’t believe you. Every once in a while you would get a super bad headache, but you had just acted fine with Jack. He knew it wasn’t a headache. Sam took your hand, “Come on, I’ll walk you to class.”

            You followed Sam and once out of ear shot you said, “I’m a mistake to him,”

            Sam squeezed your hand, “No, you’re not,”

            “He just told me, Sam,”

            Sam stopped walking and stood in front of you, he looked down at you and under his gaze you felt small. “Be honest with me, Y/N, do you like Jack?” He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

            “I don’t know,” You answered in a whisper, because you didn’t.

            “That’s not true, Y/N, we could stand here all night, I’m not leaving until you tell me.” Sam pressed.

            You snapped, “What do you want me to say, Sam? We had sex and he told me it was a mistake.  I’m nothing to him,” Luckily enough, the hall had cleared.

            “That’s not true and you know it! This isn’t about what he thinks, but about what you think and how you feel.” Sam said.

            You never liked it when Sam lost his cool, like Jack and Johnson, when he got mad, he got mad. It was scary, but Sam was trying to prove something to you. “I don’t know what I feel Sam, a week ago he was my best friend, and now I don’t know. I feel guilty and horrible and I just want to forget it, but looking at Jack is too much.”

            “Then move on, Y/N, just move on.” Sam suggested, his tone told you that he was calm.

            “How?” You asked, completely defeated.

            “Find someone better than Jack,” He said lowly.

            You looked up at him and took in his creamy skin, crazy hair and sweet hazel eyes. You wanted to ask Sam if he would be that someone, but you didn’t want to use Sam to just distract you. Sam gave you a smile, “Theres this party happening Friday, want to be my date?”

            You thought about it. Over the weekend it became clear that Sam still had feelings for you, but you didn’t know of you had feelings for him, you didn’t even know how you felt about Jack. But you have to start somewhere, “Sure, why not.”

---Hope you guys enjoyed this, for any new readers! :D

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