Stolen- Chapter 8

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          After you reached Sam, Johnson wasn’t anywhere to be found. Sam had been resting against the counter, talking to one of his friends, but when he saw you and left his friend to meet you. “Hey, you okay? Did something happen with Jack?” He asked, his eyes searching your face.

            You didn’t know if you could mask the sadness that seemed to weigh you down, so you didn’t answer. Sam suddenly knew who it had to do with, “What happened, Y/N? Jack came over, looking pissed as hell and wouldn’t even look at me when he grabbed Johnson.”

            You shook your head and walked into him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Just take me home, please.” You said into his chest.

            Sam hugged you for a moment before pulling back and grabbing his keys out of his back pocket, “Alright, let’s go.”

            You followed Sam through the house, his fingers laced with yours and holding on tight. You guys didn’t tell anyone you were leaving, but then again you weren’t really friends with anyone in this house; just Sam, Johnson and Jack. The car ride home was silent but you couldn’t get the images of what you witnessed in the bathroom out of your head. You didn’t realize you had been holding a breath in until Sam grabbed onto your hand, which was in your lap, and gave it a squeeze.

            You looked up at Sam and saw him watching the dark road ahead. Anger was rolling off of his body, his shoulders were straight and tense, his jaw was tight and his eyes weren’t straying from the road. You felt like this was all your fault, this was supposed to be a fun night but, yet again, he was dealing with your endless drama. “I’m sorry if I ruined your night,” you whispered while glancing down at your joined hands.

            “What?” He asked, you looked back up at him and found him looking at the road while slipping his eyes to you every once in a while. “You didn’t ruin my night, Y/N,”

            “Then why’re you angry?” You asked him.

            Sam pulled into your driveway and put the car in park before he faced you, his hand released yours and put his arm around the back of your seat and stared at you. “I’m not angry at you, Y/N, I’m angry at Jack for doing this to you. He should’ve seen what a great girl you are, years ago, and this wouldn’t have happened.” Sam explained, his eyes not straying from your own.

            You nodded, “Okay,”

            “Come on, I’ll walk you,” Sam said, giving you a smile.

            You both got out of the car, Sam met you by the front of his car and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He pulled you close and kissed your forehead, you gripped the back of your shirt and enjoyed his warmness. Once you reached your door you faced Sam, he looked down at you and rested his arms on your shoulders and placed his forehead against yours. “I hope you had somewhat of a good time tonight,”

            You looked into his hazel eyes and saw how close his lips were to yours, but you didn’t want to kiss him tonight. Not after what you saw tonight, you just weren’t ready, but you knew Sam wouldn’t do anything after what had happened. He was perfect like that. You smiled and nodded, “You’re a great dancing partner,”

            Sam grinned, “Thank you, hey what are you doing tomorrow?”

            “Hmmm,” You hummed. Saturdays were normally your movie days, “I’m guessing movie day?”

            “To be more specific, I was thinking of binging on The Falling Skies before it returns in a couple months,” Sam said, he knew you loved that TV show.

            “Really? I’ll be over around noon,” You said and kissed his cheek.

            “Sweet dreams, Y/N,” Sam said, watching you unlock your front door and making sure you got inside before leaving.


            I couldn’t stand to listen to Leigh anymore, she just wouldn’t shut the hell up. All I wanted was peace and quiet, I was hung the hell over and was sleeping when Leigh burst into my room screaming and way past mad.

            “Would you just shut up, Leigh?” I yelled while running my hand through my hair, fucking annoyed with her.

            “Shut up? You want me to shut up?! I’m fucking tired of Y/N controlling our relationship! You haven’t been the same in 2 weeks, and I’m fucking sick of it! You liked her don’t you? You love Y/N,” Leigh asked in a loud, piercing voice.

            I stood up from my bed, “I don’t-“

            She pointed her perfectly manicured nail at me, “Don’t fucking lie to me, Jack, there’s something going on between you too and I’m done!”

            “A break up, huh?” I asked her and watched as her finger dropped.

            Her eyes looked down at the floor, “All I ever wanted was for you to admit it, I never had anything against her until I saw the way you looked at her the first time I met her, but then you promised me that she was only a friend and I believed you.” She looked up at me, I expected to see tears but I didn’t. “Something happened between you two, didn’t it?”

            I walked towards her and slowly nodded. “I didn’t want to hurt you, Leigh, you’re the last person I wanted to hurt, but Y/N is everything to me and I thought I could ignore it and get rid of the feelings but I couldn’t.”

            Leigh nodded and a tear fell down. I spoke up again as I wrapped my arms around her, “I’m so sorry,”

            Leigh patted my back and pulled away, she took a deep breath before answering, “I’ll live, I’ll see you around.”

            Leigh walked out of my room and I breathed a sigh of relief. I needed Y/N back in my life, and it wasn’t going to be with Sam as her boyfriend

Stolen- Jack Gilinsky Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें