Chapter 17

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Five days had passed since Potter had visited Draco in the hospital wing. He and Potter had talked for what seemed like hours (when in reality it had only been a little over an hour) and Draco was surprised by how well they got along. Not once had they fought or argued. Then again, the fact that they carefully avoided any topic that possibly could start fight might had had a part of the lack of fighting, but still. It was rather impressive. He actually found himself a bit disappointed when madam Pomfrey turned up and told Potter that he was free to go - not that he ever would admit that to anyone - and unless his mind playing tricks on him, Potter also looked disappointed. After and an awkward goodbye Potter left and Draco was once again alone. He had to stay in the hospital wing for three more days after that. When he returned to the dungeons, he told everybody that he had gotten sick from a potion accident. He was not sure if anyone believed him, but they did not say anything about it.

When he finally had permission to leave the hospital wing he realised how lonely he was. At first, they acted like the normally did, but soon got distant and then they stopped being around him completely. It did make him sad at first, but when it all came down to it, it was probably best that way. He would not have to hide his condition from his friends if he did not have anyone, right? The only problem was that Draco was an naturally extroverted person; he loved being in the centre of everything and he adored the feeling of being surrounded by lots of people who all were keen on hearing what he had to say. After just a few hours of not talking to anyone, it felt like he was going insane - so he did what he always would do when he wanted attention; he went and looked for a certain Harry Potter. Draco had gotten quite good at finding Potter in the big castle; after five years of knowing the boy who lived, he had memorised where Potter usually went during his free period. He had also memorised Potter's schedule - something that Pansy referred to as "weirdly obsessive" but that he referred to as "something anyone would do". When Pansy pointed out that she had no clue where Granger where most of the time he shook his head and muttered "amateur" under his breath.

And that was how Draco, after wandering around the castle for about twenty minutes, found Potter in the library together with Granger and Weasley. Potter rested his head in his hand, eyes closed and his glasses on the table. His dark, dishevelled hair was a bigger mess then usual. The red and yellow tie was loosely tied around his neck. For a few seconds Draco could not tear his gaze away from his face. His original plan was to make fun of the boy who lived, but now he felt the strong urge to simple be with him. Talk about stupid stuff, mess around and possibly even laugh together. He blinked and continued to stare at Potter's face. Neither Granger nor Weasley, who both had their back towards Draco, had noticed him. He shook his head and cleared his throat to get their attention, after quickly making up his mind. The three of them was startled when he made the nose and Weasley even jumped up with his wand out.

"Ah, good evening. Mind if I borrow Potter for a second?" Draco said nonchalantly, ignoring how Weasley's wand was pointed towards him. He kept his eyes on Potter, who quickly had put his glasses on so he could so what was going on in front of him. "I'm sure you two can survive without the Chosen One's presence for a little while."

Granger quickly turned towards Potter and told him not to go while Weasley still had his wand pointed towards him. Draco looked Potter directly in his eyes with an almost challenging smirk. Without hesitating, the raven-haired boy got up and began packing his things. The reaction Potter's action caused was almost amusing - Weasley dropped his guard and turned around to look at his friend, his mouth open from shook, making him look more stupid then usual and Granger immediately began hissing and lecturing Potter.

"Hermione please, he won't try and kill me or anything!" Potter gritted though his teeth, "I'll be fine, I promise. He's - he's not that bad," he looked over at Draco quickly and Draco could tell that he was trying to make him not hear what he was saying. "I'll come look for you later, okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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