Chapter 11

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Draco had been looking forward to buy his new school supplies in Diagnoy Alley (and perhaps, if there was enough time, some new clothes and a quick stop at Florean Fortescue's) since the day he realised that he was stuck at The Order's place.  But, to Draco's annoyance and distress, he wasn't allowed to make take a trip to Diagnoy Alley - instead, Mr Weasley and some stupid aurors would buy their new school supplies for them. He couldn't believe it! Fine if he wasn't allowed to go, he could somewhat see their point, but why on earth was it necessary to let the Weasley member that his father hated the most buying his new school supplies? It truly was outrageous. Draco wasn't blind for Merlin's sake, he knew what clothes the Weasley oh so proudly wore in school. To prove to his mother that he didn't find this behaviour acceptable he refused to speak to her. Not that she seemed to care, but Draco had to do something about it. He owned his father that much.     

Something else that was bugging Draco was Harry Potter. The idiotic Gryffindor boy would not stop worrying about him, trying to be nice and all that. Draco couldn't for his life understand why saint Potter of all sudden thought it would be a good idea to try and be nice to him now. Yes, he was a werewolf now, but at the end of the day (or in his case, at the beginning of the moon cycle), Draco was still the same person he's always been. He still hated Potter and all his stupid Gryffindor friend, they were nothing more than a bunch of blood traitors and mudbloods. Draco despised them all because that's what he's been raised to do.

"So Draco, remember what I told you yesterday?"

"Hm... oh yeah! I remember I remember!" the young, blonde boy looked up at his father with such admiration in his eyes that Lucius couldn't help but the break out into a big smile. "You told me to be proud, over myself beca... because my blood is clean! Am I right father?"

"That's right, my boy. Never forget that Draco, never forget that."  Lucius watched as his only son jumped away to continue with his game with a pleased smile. "We are better."


It was getting late; the sky was slowly turning darker and darker outside. Draco was sprawled out on his bed, bored out of his mind. He had tried to read on of the books that were collecting dust on his nightstand, but his mind kept wandering off to everything else except the words on the pages. To his great annoyance, his mother hadn't come to his room today. His silent treatment had always worked when he was younger, he couldn't possibly see why it would be different now! He sighed, something he had been doing a lot the past three hours, and decided to get up. He wobbled a little, a result of laying down for the past four hours before he got his balance back and walked out of the room. His mother had been spending most of her time in the kitchen, helping mrs Weasley with the cooking. Apparently, she wasn't trusted to do anything else, because truth to be told - she really wasn't that good at cooking. However, he couldn't find her anywhere, so he decided to go by his old plan again; if she wanted to talk to him, then she'd have to come to him. Draco wasn't even sure why he was angry at her, he knew that the bad guys where the stupid Order people, but for some reason it made him feel better.

As he walked past a dark oak door that he knew lead to one of the many living rooms he rolled his eyes as he heard Potter talking to someone and began to walk past as quick as possible without making any noise when he heard his name. He hesitated - not sure if he actually wanted to hear what Potter had to say about him this time - but his curiosity won. The door was slightly opened, he could see shadows from both Potter and the other person.

"... I don't know, alright? I just get worried and trust me I do not want to be worried about him of all people. But... I mean, just because I don't like him, doesn't mean I want him to die." Draco rolled his eyes once again as he listened to Potter frantic voice.

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