Chapter 6

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Silenced filled the room. Harry and Malfoy stared at each other, having a full conversation with their eyes. No one opened their mouth, afraid of the effects their words could have. It was Lupin who first opened his mouth.

"Draco, Narcissa, do you still wants to eat lunch with us, or do you want to take some food with you and eat in the living room? I'm sure everyone." he gave Harry a stern look. "Will have calmed down when we eat dinner."

"Yes, we'd like tha.." Mrs Malfoy began to say, but Malfoy cut her off.

"No, we'll stay. That man isn't here anymore, and I'm sure that saint Potter won't be a problem." He gave Harry a dirty look before he pulled a chair out and offered it to his mother. "Not that I think it's any of your concern, Potter, but yes, I am. Now I'm sure that you've been raised better than to judge anyone because of something like that... Oh, that's right, you were raised by muggles, how would you possibly know."

Mrs Malfoy kicked him under the table, and gave her son death glares, and tried her best to smile at the strangers that all were staring at her. No one said anything, even though Sirius looked like he wanted to rip the blonde boys head off. Lupin was again the first one to move, as he gave the newly arrived guest something to drink. He then sat down next to Sirius, and whispered something in his ear, who nodded and seemingly relaxed.

Harry couldn't help but stare at Malfoy throughout the whole lunch. No, he didn't actually care about Malfoy, at least that was what he was trying to convince himself. Malfoy was a git, and he couldn't care less about him, but that didn't mean that he was happy about the fact that he was a werewolf. He didn't care about Malfoy, he was just worried about him. He knew that it was rough to be a werewolf, but mentally and physically. But no, he didn't care about Malfoy, he was just worried about he was going to handle being a werewolf, that's all.

"So, Harry." Sirius began. "is there a need for me to hex your the Dursley's? How has your summer been?"

"Oh you know, nothing new really," Harry explained sarcastically They've been acting like I'm sort of disease and forced me to do tons of necessary work to keep mine out of their way. Good thing is that Dudley, my dumb cousin you know, hasn't bothered me at all this summer. I suppose that he got scared after he hot attacked by dementors."

"He should be bloody grateful that you were there with him!" Sirius exclaimed. "It's thanks to you that he still got a functional soul!"

"He doesn't know that, I suppose. I doubt that his parents explained that to him, it would surprise me if they didn't tell him that it was I who hexed him." Harry answered, shrugging his shoulders. "Doesn't matter. I'll only have to live with them a few weeks next summer, then I'll turn 17 and I can do whatever I want."

"Sounds good to me." Sirius said and slung his arm around Remus, giving him a goofy smile. "do you remember when we were 17, Moony? Ah, good times, good times indeed."

"Very, expect the fact that there was a bloody war going on and we spent most of our times exactly like we're spending them now.

"What, shagging?" Sirius waggled his eyebrows, and Harry couldn't help the uncomfortable blush that spread across his face.

"You truly are an idiot," Remus muttered but couldn't keep a smile from his lips. "By the way Harry, you and Malfoy are going to share room."

Harry looked up at Remus so fast that his glasses almost fell off, and as he tried to speak he somehow managed to swallow a piece of his sausages. His eyes watered as he tried to breath, but he didn't have to suffer long; Sirius made a quick movement with his wand, and Harry could again breathe probably. The table and once again gone very quiet, but this time Malfoy broke the silence.

"Mother, I am not sharing room with Potter!" He yelled, ignoring the look his mother gave him. "There's no way, I can't!"

"I can't share room with Malfoy?!" Harry yelled, looking at Sirius for support, but his godfather didn't meet his eyes. "What about Ron, mrs Weasley? Where will he sleep?"

"Oh, he won't sleep here, dear. He'll come here during the days to help out, but I want him back home." Mrs Weasley smiled nervously at Harry and gave Remus a look as to tell him 'What did I say?', which only made Harry angrier.

"There's plenty of other room he can sleep in!" Harry continued, and Malfoy nodded. "This house is huge, why does he have to sleep in that room?"

"Because" Remus explained with a calm voice. "it's not only the Weasleys and Sirius living here this summer. It's other people too, who needs protection, just like Malfoy. You need to share room, there's no room left."

Harry looked at Sirius, begging him for some support, but Sirius just shrugged and gave him an apologetically smile.

"Sorry Harry, there's nothing we can do about it. Besides, you'll only have to spend the nights together, it's not like we're forcing you to become friends."

Harry looked at Malfoy, who looked just as pissed of as he felt, but to Harry's surprise, he didn't say anything. When lunch was over, which was even more awkward, mrs Weasley told Sirius and Harry to do the dishes. He couldn't help but feel slightly betrayed by Sirius, but he knew that Sirius couldn't do anything about it.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you now" Sirius began "There are other rooms. We could easily let one of you move, but Dumbledore... Well, Dumbledore wants you to share the room. He's getting a bit old, he's a bit of a tosser really, but he knows what he's doing. Most of the time, at least."

Harry stared at Sirius for a couple of seconds before he understood what Sirius words meant.

"Dumbledore wants me to share room with Malfoy?" he finally sputtered out. "But... I mean, did he say why?"

"Not really. He said something about forgiving and seeing things from others view. I guess he doesn't want any fighting between you while you're here."

"So he'll force us to sleep in the same room for 2 weeks?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"It's Dumbledore, just do as he says." Sirius looked over his shoulder as if to make sure that Dumbledore wasn't behind. "But I agree with you, it's ridiculous. On the bright side, it's only 2 weeks. Then you'll return to Hogwarts, and you can hate his guts in peace."

When the dishes were done, Harry was sent upstairs again, so the rest of the order could continue with another meeting about the Malfoy's. To Harry delight, the Slytherin prince himself were in the meeting, Harry could unpack his thing alone. Harry sighed deeply when he thought about having to share room with Malfoy for 2 weeks. He had been so excited about living with Sirius and the order, and then Malfoy had to show up and ruin everything. Harry didn't trust them at all, but what could he do? Dumbledore's order was Dumbledore's order, no one would listen to him. That didn't mean that Harry wouldn't miss an opportunity to hex the blonde boy. 

Hello, sorry for the long wait. The last week of school has been very ugh so I haven't felt like writing, since if I feel like ugh my writing will turn out to be ugghh. But here it is, even tho the ending is kinda crappy. my graduation is next week, so I'll be able to write more when I'll go summer break (hopefully). I'll have to return the school computer thought, and I'm not sure how it'll be to write on my own computer since it's really slow sometimes and it's really hard to write on it when it's so slow. I am however writing on it right now, and it's working just fine, so maybe it'll go well. Otherwise, I'll write on the family computer and my phone, so no worries, I'll still update!

// Zeppelin 

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