Boating, Swinging and More

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We were walking when we began to see animals and Corey began to freak out about the ostrich "touch the fence" Elton jokingly said "no fuck off" Colby said as we neared the ostrich. The guys began to mess with the animals. Once they were done we headed to go get signed in and the lady explained to us all we needed to know about the boat. Sam and Colby were up first when they finished they tried to explain to us how it felt. "Alright, Corey we're up buddy," Elton said "Good luck guys," Colby said "I'm kinda excited, Like kind of" Corey said "Well show your excitement in that seat over there" he said pointing to the boat "Alright do I have to take my phone out?" Corey asked, "Yes what kind of question is that?" Elton said as he handed Colby the camera before getting up on the boat I stood away from the guys and flew the drone over them to get Elton the shots of him and Corey in the boat I laughed as the boat splashed Sam and Colby.

When we finished there we headed towards the indoor skydiving. They handed us the suits the guys began to slip them on, I took my flannel off leaving me in my tank top and shorts before slipping the suit on. I set my flannel with the rest of the guy's things and we headed out I waited to the side with Colby and Corey while Sam went first, I put my hair in a ponytail as I watched him. "Can I go next?" Corey asked, "You want to go next?" Colby and Elton asked "Go for it," I said as he walked out. After Corey, I went then Colby and Elton once we were finished we stood around waiting for the guy to show us something. "That was insane," Corey said "My mouth is really dry," Colby said "really?" Elton asked "Uh huh," he said, "Alright are you guys ready to go real skydiving now?" Elton asked "No" Corey said "Wendy and I went skydiving for our 500,000 subscriber video, well I went Wendy chickened out when we were on the plane about to jump" I said "well then we can do it and Cory you have to do it you already used your free pass" Elton said "No I'm not" Corey said "Yeah you are" He said as they bickered back and forth for a while until Elton said he was playing. We all stood to the side to see the instructors show off their skydiving skills. I began to take videos to send Wendy later.

We went over to the swing while we waited we watched three guys swing. Once it was their turn I carried the gear bag, Colby's beanie, and phone. I slipped his beanie on while Corey recorded the guys. Elton began dancing while Sam and Colby were getting ready to be strapped in. Once they were being lifted up Corey pointed the camera at me "how do you feel now that your boyfriend is up there?" Corey asked, "He's not my boyfriend first of all but I'm a little bit nervous for all of them." I said as Sam pulled the cord causing them to start swinging. Once they began swinging the screaming started as well. As the swing slowed down "Oh Elton's dead" I heard Colby say "Elton had passed out" Sam said once the guy grabbed them to stop, Elton woke up screaming as if he was still on the ride before he noticed he wasn't swinging and calmed down. He got down with the guys "We're good," Sam said stepping off the stairs "You're good?" Corey asked "Yeah that was great," he said as we walked over to another ride called shweeb the guys ended up making another bet.

After their races, Elton ended up losing and Corey won, So Elton being Elton tried to change up the bet. Corey ended changing the bet, Elton vs Sam winner gets a date with Corey. Elton ended up winning the second time."Hey, you guys realize there are records for every country here but the United States" Elton said pointing the camera at us "Which means we technically now have the record" he added "We do" Colby said, "So then can we write in our record on that blank one over there?" Elton asked one of the workers "Yes" He said, "We can write it in?" He asked confirming it, the worker nodded Elton turned to look at Corey "So since Corey has the fastest time you have the honors" Elton said looking at Corey. Corey smiled and walked in the track "I have like really crappy handwriting so can one of you guys write it in for me? And then we can pretend I wrote it" he said "Bella you're up then," Elton said I walked in on the track too. I went in and they handed me a marker and I wrote it in. After I wrote it in Elton said that he would give the person that beats Corey's record gets a twitter shout out.

On our way back to the RV the guys stopped by the animals again and messed with them a bit more. Corey pointed his camera at Colby and I as we walked back to the RV. "So uh, you two want to do a double date?" He asked us "Um..Sure" Colby said glancing at me "Hmm depends, what day?" I asked "whenever you're free," he said "Hmm I'll have to check my schedule," I said looking at Colby "Is it bad that I am lowkey starting to ship Bella and Colby?" Sam asked Elton "No it's perfectly fine," Elton said laughing "Well there's no use in hiding us anymore," I said looking at Colby "You're right," He said leaning into me as we pretended to make out before laughing. "Oh my god you two are so cute but not as cute as me and Elton," Corey said holding Elton's hand.

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