Bungee Jumping

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Once we arrived at the bridge we found a picnic table and sat there and chilled there. We were all on our phones when Elton pulled out his camera I quickly texted my mom back before Elton began talking.  "Alright, Guys are we ready for round 2? We are going to be jumping off that bridge all the way over there" he said "No" Corey said shaking his head "But New Zealand is the birthplace of bungee jumping" Elton said "Then you know what I'll do? I will be nice enough to record for you guys so we can have it on-""oh no no no, it's okay look you can just record yourself I have a selfie stick, oh and if that one breaks I have another one" He said showing us "Who's in favor of Corey jumping?" Elton asked us. We all raised our hands except Corey "4 against 1 it's a democracy you're jumping" Colby said "This is New Zealand, I don't know if they have it here" Sam said "Oh yeah" I said, "What type of government do you think they have in New Zealand?" Elton asked "I don't know I'm not a New Zealander," Sam said "Alright let's go jump off that bridge, oh and by the way, the goal is to put your head in the water," Elton said making us stop and look at him "our head in the water?" We asked. Corey began to walk away "I think Corey is gone," Sam said as Elton turned the camera to face Corey "I'll see you guys back at the house!" Corey yelled, "ay how are you getting home?" Colby asked "Imma take a flight back to L.A.," he said before Elton stopped recording. We began to head to check in.

We were gonna enter the store when Elton began filming again "If you jump, ill buy you as many as you want" he said referring to the ice cream "Don't, don't do that to me" Corey said "I'm serious" Elton said "I want like a hot fudge sundae" he said "ok" he said "Maybe extra hot fudge, maybe like extra whipped cream, maybe like 2 cherries instead of one, maybe 2 spoons for me and you?" He asked "Okay," Elton said before I began laughing "This isn't funny Bella this is serious!" Corey yelled "Okay, Okay my bad," I said "Yeah you better be sorry," he said as we headed inside

Sam was getting his harness on "didn't we just go through this like 5 minutes ago" Elton asked Colby "oh yeah yeah we're pros at this now" he said, "do you think you can do this yourself?" The lady helping asked I smirked "oh yeah he can harness himself" Elton and I said "He goes bungee jumping 7 times a month " Corey added, "Want to just harness yourself?" Elton asked Colby "Yeah, Yeah I got this," he said. The lady handed him a harness and he just began to mess around with it before he gave up and she helped him put it on.

Once I got fished being set up I walked over to Elton and the guys, I saw them dancing for the camera I sighed "What do you think Bella?" Elton asked "I need new friends," I said making them laugh. We headed out I began to walk ahead with Colby "nervous?" He asked "more like cold and afraid," I said stuffing my hands into my pockets. Once we entered the room on the bridge, I took the helmet off and fixed my hair "Did anyone else just notice that Corey took off his harness?" Elton asked filming "What?" I asked looking at Corey "I thought you were jumping" Sam said "Nope, I talked to the lady she said I didn't have to do it" he said "Corey that not fair" I said "I don't care, I'm not jumping" he said "Bro even Bella is jumping, why won't you do it" Colby said "Corey, we came all the way to New Zealand and you're not bungee jumping" Elton said "I know, crazy right, I told you I'm way too scared and I already did the first one" he said as they called mine and Elton's name for us to go. Corey began to film for Elton, I saw Colby snapchating us he pointed his camera at me I smiled and made a peace sign. He made another video "are you ready to jump?" He asked me "No," I said looking at him. He posted the video to his story before they all gathered around to watch Elton. After Elton, it was my turn to jump "How are you feeling Bella?" Corey asked as they helped me up "Like I'm gonna be sick" I said as Colby took my spot where I was sitting. Elton handed me the GoPro and the guy explained to me what was gonna happen and what to do before letting me jump. I took a deep breath and jumped as I fell I didn't end up hitting the water, when it was safe I pulled the rope to put me in a sitting position. "Oh, my gosh guys that was so nerve racking but so worth it," I said into the camera as they pulled me up. "You didn't even hit the water," Corey said "Maybe because I'm light" I said as the guy helped me off. I was walking over to Corey when Colby called me over, He handed me his phone and wallet before getting up to jump.

After we all jumped Elton kept trying to convince Corey to jump "Come on Corey, Bella jumped" he said "I don't care I'm not doing it" he said "Okay this is your one and only New Zealand pass, you can't skip on anything else this is the only thing on the entire New Zealand trip that you get to skip and you don't know what else I have booked" Elton said "This is like 6 hours in" Colby says "I know dude that's what's so scary" he said "so this is your hall pass?" Elton asked "This is my hall pass," Corey said "Okay I guess I'll see you in the tank with the great whites tomorrow," he said "Oh fu-I forgot we were doing that tomorrow dang it," he said making us laugh before we all headed down

We entered the store to return everything "Alright what do you guys want" Elton asked pointing to the ice cream "We get ice cream?" I asked "yeah, yeah we get ice cream, Corey what do you want, oh no you don't get any" he said I glanced and Sam and Colby they also glanced at me, before looking back at Elton "I told you I'd get you ice cream if you jump" He added "Are you serious?" Corey asked "yeah we're going to eat our ice cream and you don't get any ice cream," he said, "that wasn't a joke?" He asked "I'm not buying you any ice cream," he said "ooh Elton I want this one," Colby said helping Elton rub it in Corey's face "Oh yeah dude you can get another one," he said, "oh really?" He asked "yeah get however many you want," he said "thank you so much," he said "whatever you guys want just to get them all, want one of everything?" he asked "ay that sucks Corey" Sam said as Corey walked out of the store just as I grabbed a popsicle.

Once we paid for the ice cream we sat at the picnic table and ate them. The guys kept teasing Corey's while eating their ice cream. When they finished eating they began to play around while I recorded them for my snapchat. When we got tired we headed back to the hotel. I went to my room showered and changed before heading off to bed.

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