Mountain Biking

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I heard Elton's alarm go off, I heard him get up before sitting up. "Morning," He said "Morning," I said before he entered the restroom, I got up and changed into my Adidas joggers and white t-shirt, I left my white rain jacket out before slipping on my Nike trainers on. I brushed my hair and began brushing my teeth all while Elton woke up the guys so they can get ready too. I set the bed back up to the table before I folded my blanket and put it away before I sat down at the table to do my makeup. When the guys were ready I slipped my jacket on, grabbed my backpack and joined everyone outside.

"Alright guys let's just kinda break down our New Zealand experience so far" Elston said pointing his camera at us "They're saying that they're canceling this because of the rain" Sam said looking annoyed "okay so I finally found something last night for us to do, in this amazing forest, in this huge rope course and then we showed up and no one is here, it says open 365 days a year, no matter what the weather is and they canceled it" Elton said "Look up it is shining right now, it's shining and they're closed" Corey said before flipping out. "But this place just so happened to be next to a huge mountain bike trail, like a BMX course, I've never done that before so in honor of The Fuck It List we're doing that" Elton said "I'm down" "Let's do it" "We're gonna try it" "Awesome" we all said before we headed to sign up.

Once we got the bikes and headed towards the tracks "who goes first?" Elton asked "Nose goes," I said putting my finger on my nose "Corey," everyone said "I lose every time," he said

We stopped to take a break also so Elton could go back and get his drone. "So how are we doing boys and girl?" Sam asked filming us "we're a little tired and we only did like what 5% of the entire thing?" Colby asked "Maybe 7%" Corey said "Yeah but look at the view doe" I said "yeah we stopped to enjoy the view and the fact that we can breath" Sam said "the views are exclusive" Corey said "Yeah the view is really nice" Colby said before looking at me smiling "Ohhhh" Sam and Corey said as I rolled my eyes "That was smooth" Sam said as Corey agreed with him "So tell us where Elton went" Sam said "Elton went back to get the drone and he wanted us so with him but I don't-it best that we just stay up here you know" Corey said "To make sure the bikes stay ok" Sam said "we wanted to stay and make sure the bikes stay clean, you know we want to make sure they don't get damaged cause if we rode them back down there's a chance that we could have got the bikes dirty" Corey said as we waited I began to text Wendy, when I looked up I noticed that Sam and Colby took off their shirts due to the heat. I slipped my jacket off and tied it around my waist "Elton is back!" Corey shouted as Elton walked over to us. While Elton began to set up the drone Corey began dancing to the beeping that the drone was making, once it took off I stood next to Corey as Colby and Sam joined us for the shot Elton would've wanted. While we waited around for Elton to get the footage we stood around and talked about lunch. Elton told us that he needed the guys to ride their bikes for the video so I stayed behind with him. Once he got what he needed we began to catch up to the guys and then headed back. Colby ended up hitting his shins with the bike pedals a few time scratching them up but we still continued back. I was up ahead with Colby when I hit the root of a tree root and fell over. Colby turned around got off his bike and came to move the bike off of me. Just before Corey and Sam caught up "Are you okay?" Colby asked as Sam and Corey got off of their bikes and stood over me "Are you okay? I saw that happen on the drone" Elton asked getting off his bike "Can you stand?" Sam asked I looked at Colby and he helped me up but putting all the pressure on my ankle made hurt a bit but I still stood up "Yeah it hurts but I think I'll be fine" I said, "Are you sure?" Elton asked I nodded we began to head back. Once we got back we headed to urgent care, Colby ended up getting stitches and I just sprained my ankle. So they stitched him up and handed me an ice pack and we were on our way.

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