Chapter 14--You'd Think Game Of Thrones Is Already Awkward Enough

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"I'm glad to finally talk to you," Aaron says over the phone. I instinctively smile. Aaron Mosdenea is basically the brother I never had. We were roommates back when I went to boarding school and he always stepped up for me. He protected me and even saved my life. He's currently living in Miami making his way up to the big leagues in business and finance. Hell, he's got a job with one of the biggest firms in the world: Parris-Kingsmen.

"How's Miami?" I ask as I maneuverer my way around my kitchen. He's on speaker and I take the opportunity to make myself breakfast and pack a few snacks in my bag.

Aaron moved to Miami a few months ago. He's currently renting out an apartment with his brother and a roommate. Even though he's widely successful, he has to keep a low profile.

"Better than DC and Seattle," He answers with a small chuckle. "My roommate is stunning too."

I think back to all the small stories he's told about his roommate. She goes to school at a local University with Aaron's younger brother Pierce. Apparently, she's super focused on her studies. I grin, "More stunning than me?"

"I'm serious Logan," I can't help rolling my eyes when he uses my full name. Amongst our friend group, Aaron is the only one that refuses to call me Lo.

"Alright," I say realizing he's being serious. Aaron is always serious. The only time he kids around is when he's with the people he loves—which honestly isn't a lot of people. Every other second of everyday he becomes this statue of satire. "Stunning as in, 'Wow I need to bang this girl' or stunning like, 'Whoa.'"

"Imagine you're the first person ever to see the Northern Lights," He answers. "That kind of stunning."

I can't help but feel happy for Aaron. He—like me—has never had a serious relationship. Also, with everything going on in his life it's about time he's found someone. He's had an intense life so far. "What's her name?" I ask.

"Parker," He answers quickly. "I call her Birdie. At this rate, I'll probably get her the jacket by Christmas."

My eyes instantly snap to my phone and I pick it up. "Wait are you serious?" I ask hurriedly. "I mean, don't rush into anything Aaron. She is your roommate, are you sure it's wise to do that so early in a relationship that hasn't even fully developed?"

"Yes well," I can picture him raising his eyebrow like he always does. The corner of his lip lifting as he proceeds to say something witty. "We're already living together, I'd like to think I can check that off the last."

I think back to our leather jackets. Jarrod had pushed us all into getting them. This was before I suggested we get a tattoo to show our brotherhood. But the jackets are amazing. One night after we snuck off campus—which was forbidden and we all felt like such bad asses—we all sat around and had camp fire talk minus the camp fire. We did manage to sneak beer though.

"I have to admit," Mason said that night while brushing his hands on the jacket. He always wears sweaters and khakis, at least now with the jacket he looks like a World War Two fighter pilot. He pushes his glasses further up his nose. "I do like how these look on us."

"How awesome would it be if our girlfriends wore these jackets too?" I said. Getting a girlfriend had really been on my mind back then. Mainly because the school is filled with unpleased testosterone and it can sometimes be suffocating.

"Dio, sì," Jarrod said in Italian. "That'd be pretty cool."

"Oh shut up," I said. "You already have a girlfriend and she wouldn't be caught dead in a leather jacket."

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