Hau'Oli City Chaos

470 3 7

July 2, 9 A.M.

Selene Moon woke up from the very strong smell of coffee. Lying on the bed, she turned to see Elio holding two cups of coffee. The girl smiled at him while he smiled back.

"Want some coffee, sleeping beauty?",he teased.

Selene laughed,"Sure! I'm really tired."
It had only been 19 hours since the two reunited at Aether Paradise.

"Is this my bed?"


The female dex-holder jumped,"What?! This is your bed?!"

"Ha... yeah."

"D-did you sleep with me?"

Elio's face went red,"No.. never."

"Then where did you sleep?"

"On the floor."


"You heard me right.",replied Elio.

Selene blushed,"Oh um thanks."

"Don't mention it.",he said, scratching the back of his neck. Selene had noticed that Elio didn't have his hat on. His messy hair showed instead.

"Did you just wake up?"


"Your hair is so messy..."

Elio raised an eyebrow and began rapidly rubbing his hair,"You.. don't like it?"

"No.. I think it's um.. cute?"

"R-really?",he asked.

"Y-Yeah! You should keep it that way.",Selene replied, realizing what she said.

"Yours too."

"Mines what?"

"Your messy hair."

"M-mines?",stuttered Selene.

Elio walked towards her and pulled her hat off of her head. "Hey!",she shouted.

"There.",he said.

Selene laughed,"Haha, thank you."

"No prob. You wanna go shopping today?"

"Shopping? Where?"


"Yay! Sure!"

"Okay, get ready then."

"With this hair?"

"With your hair."


Hau'oli City Shopping District, 11 P.M.

"What're you getting, Ray?",a girl asked, as she fiddled with her new hat.

The boy shrugged,"Eh.. dunno."

"I'm super happy to actually come here."

"Um Ailey...?"

"Oooo! I see a store I want to go to!"

Ray saw Ailey's hand drag his wrist into a shop,"Ailey, stop pulling me."

"C'mon Ray! Be patient for once."

The girl turned to his direction and winked at him which caused Ray to blush a bit,"Seriously?"

"Pfft! Yeah! This was my idea to come here!",Ailey said.

"Ma'am?",asked a store clerk. "Would you like to have a free gift?"

"Uhm... sure?",replied the girl.

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