The Successor

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June 31, 3 P.M.

"The name's Korrina!",she shouted. "And this is Lucario!"

"Nice to meet you.",said Selene.

"Your name?",Korrina asked.

"Oh! My name's Selene!"

The roller skater smiled,"That's a pretty one! Anyways, sorry, gotta go before my grandfather asks why I'm late!"



"C-can I go with you?"



"Thanks Lucario And Korrina!"

"Just follow us! Have you been to Poni Island?"


"Well me neither! But you're going to have to follow me, okay?"

Selene widen her eyes,"Uhm. Okay-"

Korrina interrupted her,"Now let's go!"

Oh man, this girl is energetic. I wonder what's that on her right-hand glove...

Both girls ran to catch a boat that Korrina claimed that it would send them to Poni Island.

"How do you know?",asked Selene.

"The direction it's going at."


Korrina laughed,"Yup really! Juuuust trust me!"

"Hey! Is that you, Korrina?",called out an elderly man on the boat.

"Grandfather!",shouted Korrina

"Who's that you with?"

"Her name is Selene! She wants to come to the Battle Tree with me and Lucario!"

"Hi.",mumbled Selene.

"Korrina! Selene! C'mon before the boat goes!",yelled her grandfather.

"Oh right!"

Korrina began to skate in a circle, speeding up for a big jump onto the boat. Lucario bent down on its knees but then jumped successfully onto the boat. Selene, not knowing what to do, just stood there.

"Hey, Selene. You know you could just... get on...?",asked Korrina.

Selene said,"Oh."

She ended up having to actually climb onto the boat. Oh how nice.

Korrina had gotten enough speed to make her "Leap of Faith". She jumped onto the boat. Like a pro, Korrina rolled onto the wooden planks after jumping.

"My new trick.",she said, dusting off her skirt.

"Awesome!",shouted Selene.

"Korrina, you're going to get hurt if you keep rolling on the ground like that.",muttered her grandfather.

"Grandfather!",yelled the roller skater. "I'm just fine! I'm fourteen!"

He sighed,"Oh Korrina.. by the way, call me Gurkinn, Selene."

"Oh okay."

"Grandfather, how far are we from Poni Island?"

The man checked his GPS,"Halfway there. We're near Aether Paradise."

"What's the Aether Paradise?",asked Korrina.

"No idea."


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