Spilling the Beans

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June 26, 1 P.M.

"And yeah... that's how I met her..",said Mallow, wrapping up burritos for Elio and Selene.

"Do you know where she lives?",Selene asked. "I want to confront her."

Mallow shook her head,"No."

"I've seen Haina sail to Aether Paradise.",Hau blurted out.

Mallow raised an eyebrow,"Really?"


"Hau, be serious for once.",Mallow barked, rolling her eyes.

Hau shouted,"Hey, Mallow! You're not you!"

"I'm just worried about Alola! Okay?"

"That doesn't mean you need to-"

"Do you care about this region or not?"

Hau froze. Elio and Selene had wide-eyes. Mallow frowned as she gave burritos to the two and while Hau just sat there.

"Yes I do.",he murmured.

"Then please help us."

"Okay.",replied Hau.


June 26, 3 P.M.

Selene walked along Alola's shores. The waves were crashing over and over. A couple of Magikarps, Wimpods, and Pyukumukus roamed under the ocean surface. Then she had remembered, she had a thing with Kalino!

I'm free!

Alola! Meet me at the park!

Cya there!

Selene - being super excited and energetic - ran as fast as she could. She planned to do some training with Kalino. Brionne came out of Selene's Pokéball.


"Hey, why'd you come out?"


"You wanna train with Incineroar.. right?"

"Bri! Onni!"

"Yay! C'mon! Kalino is waiting for us!"

Selene ran up the hill to the park. She had left Elio in his house to his mom. Selene had also already made a couple of snacks for him, in case he was too lazy to get up and feed himself or just didn't want to look selfish to his mother. He didn't ask her to make him snacks though. She just felt like it...

Selene shook her feelings for Elio off. She wanted to get him off her mind, free from his trap. Feeling weak, Selene still had little feelings for him. It had been very hard to avoid Elio in the afternoon. She wanted to be alone. Now she could be alone... with a friend.

Once Selene made it up the hill, she found Kalino sitting on one of the seesaws.

"Alola, missy!",he shouted to her.

"Alola, Kalino. How was training for you?"

"It was awesome!",he replied.

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