The Big Break-Up

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June 26, 8 P.M.

Walking along the shores barefoot, Selene stared at the pink and orange skies that the sunset was producing. She left her footprints mark their shape on the pale sand. Her mind gears were running real fast,

I've texted Elio but he hasn't replied for like two hours. Is he okay? Did... HE BLOCK ME? Okay, he definitely doesn't like-like me if that's the case... I hate him. No... I love him? I hate him and love him? Okay that just sounds pathetic. So. Pathetic. It just sounds like I'm lovesick. It's final. I hate him. He's been so cold to me. Oh Elio Sun, I regret liking you. I guarantee you that you're just a... a...

Selene struggled to think of the word "jerk." Inside, she knew she was wrong. Her perspective on him was wrong. Frustrated, she kicked sand at the waters. In the process, she scared a few Wimpod that were near here.

"I hate you, Elio Sun!",she screamed. "Get off of my mind, Elio Sun!"

"Just get off!" Then suddenly, she started sobbing. Selene told herself she was being too dramatic. She fell to her knees, feeling weak and awful.


Elio's house, 30 minutes earlier

I kept running and running. I can't stop. I want to but I can't. My chest is hurting. My body is hurting. But I had to run. For her. If she saved me, I save her. Selene was running towards a big green thing.

"Elio, stop following! I want to be alone!",she yelled at me, not turning to look at me.

"No! You're going to fall!",I blurted out.

Right when I said that, I tripped. I scarred my arms, face and legs. Blood was flowing out of me. Selene turned around and saw me.

"Elio! No!"

I widen my eyes to see her gone. I try to get up but I was stuck. I was bleeding. It felt real...

"Aaaa!",he screamed. He looked at his arms, legs and touched his face. It was a nightmare. But he was panting. Panting from the running?

His mother ran upstairs and asked,"Elio, are you alright?"

"Yeah... it was just a dream."

"Wait, Elio, look out your window."

He turned around to see the Pokémon that most likely gave him that terrible dream.




June 29, 12 P.M.

Elio and Selene both didn't go to school on Friday. Both thought the other went to school from the lack of texting. They refused to text or meet each other.

Selene felt that Elio didn't want to hang out with her while Elio felt that she didn't want to talk to him. Slowly, they became more distant. More.. lonely.

Selene Moon began setting up more play dates with Kalino. Elio Sun kept texting Gina a little more frequently than usually. Of course, Gina was worrying a bit.

It was around 4 A.M. for Gina when she received a text from Elio. He was asking if Dexio and Sina were arriving to Alola. Usually, Gina would drag herself to her phone and text back. But this morning, she just lie there. Gina was tired of answering Elio's early texts. She wanted to know why he was texting her so frequently. Poor Gina tried to get herself out of bed but failed miserably by falling onto the floor in a loud THUMP!

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