Chapter 1

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Elise's POV

"No mom! NO!" I yelled in disbelief. I walked out of the house and ran heading toward my car. I heard my mom called me numerously through the window. "Elise! Atleast look at her pictures I'm sure you'll change your min-"

"For a million time mom! I AM.NOT.GOING.TO.MARRY.A STRANGER!!" I cut off my mom so I will not hear any nonsense that came out of her mouth.

'How can mom do this to me! She know that I will never open my heart to anyone except her!' I can't imagine spending my whole life with someone else but her.' ONLY HER!'

After spent 30 minutes driving with hot tears streaming down my cheeks. My car finally stopped infront of my sister's house. I parked my volkswagen behind Eline's husband's car and pulled my feets out of the car.

Eline is my sister.She always be there for me whenever something terrible happened to me.My mom always be the first person I looking for.But in this case...

My thought trailed off when I heard the sound of door being open. "Elise?" I pulled up my head toward my sister's voice but still with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"E-Eli-ine.." I spoke with small voice that could be mistake as whisper by my sister. "Come here" Eline said with sympathy tone in her voice. "Do y-ou you kn-ew that I com-e come he-re?"

"Of couse I knew told me everything and she informed me that you will be here in 30 minutes" She replied with chuckle regarding the last statement, knowing me so well.

She tighten the hug when she heard no word came out of my mouth."Elise trust me,she do this for your own happiness" Her words made me released her hug with frowned on my face.

"What!! So you agree with mom's terrible idea!?" I thought she would understand me but she end up disappointed me. "Elis-" "No! You know that I will never be with someone else besi-" Before I could finished the obvious fact she cut me off "Yeah yeah I know,no one but 'her' " Eline mockingly said the last part.

"Then if you know the 'fact',why did you agreed with mom?" I said sternly with my arms folded onto my chest. "Elise why don't you come inside? I'm sure Jacob will be so excited to meet you"

My sister invited me in with giggle."Eline! This is not something that you can laugh!" I yelled while stomped my right feet numerously on the pavement.

"Okay got it" I can still hear small laugh in her tone behind my back when she pushed me inside the house.
'What so funny!'

As soon as my whole body inside the house,I was attacked by a small figure. "Aunty Ellyyyy!! I miss byouuu!!!" Jacob yelled in excitement with his small arms hug my legs.

Suddenly my saddness and anger lessen by his presence."Awww Jacob I miss you too" I cooed him.
Jacob was only 2 years old and he was my favourite nephew.Of course because he was the only nephew that I have.

He has emerald pair of eyes with deep black hair that I played it with my fingers. "Hello Elise it nice to see you here" Andy greeted me.He has emerald eyes too just like Jacob but his hair is dirty blonde.Jacob obviously got his colour hair from Eline.Just like my hair.

"So I heard that you are going to get marry,right?" The smile on my face drastically faded when he asked the question. "No, I am not" Jacob quickly let go of my legs when he noticed the change on my voice.

"Elise are you sure about that?" Eline asked for comformation. "What do you mean 'are you sure' ? I am never this sure for the rest of my 21 years old." I replied with my hazel eyes stared deeply into hers.

But she gave me amused face in return. "Have you see her photos yet?" She asked while playfully wiggle her eyesbrow.

I looked at her confused. "I am two hundred percent sure you will change your mind when your eyes land on these pictures." She continued while waving her phone.

'No matter how hot,how beautiful or how cute whoever the girl is,my mind will never ever change.Not in million years' I thought with smirk on my face.

When Eline put her phone 10 centimeters away from my face.My eyes never widen that fast and my smile never that big. "OMAIGADOMAIGADOMGGGG!!!!" I fangirly screamed.My sister quickly jerked away from me and cover Jacob's ears while Andy cover his own.

" Am I going to marry her? " I excitedly asked while jumped up and down. "Geeezzz relax sis,you sound and act like a 10 years old girl who are going to marry Zayn Malik"Eline smiled and nodded.

I was literally ran out of the house with wide smile on my face.I hopped inside the car and pulled my phone out of my blue skinny jean's pocket.

I called Camila instantly.After a couple rings,she finally picked up. "What took you so long to pick up my call bitch!"

" WHAT!?" Camila yelled confusely. "FYI this is the fastest call pick up that I've did" I rolled my eyes but the smile on my face never faded out.

"So whats the news El-" "I'm heading your house! BYE!" I hang up the call.'Thank you mom! Dad! Love you guys so so much!' But,why mom and dad decided to marry me with 'her'? Am I sound desperated?

Camila's house only 5 blocks away from my house,but it took 45 minutes from Eline's house.After it took like forever, I finally arrived.'Omg I can't wait to tell Camila about this!'

I knocked the door several times but there was no respone.I decided to knock again but the door opened and reveal the familiar figure.

"Hey Elise" Mrs.Anderson hugged me. "Camila had mentioned about you coming here" I nodded "Go ahead,she's in her room" I gave her warm smile and stepping inside the house.

"CAMILAAA!!" I bursted inside her room and found her sleeping. "Bitch wake the fucking up!" She earned a slap on her head. "Ouchh!!" She sat up instantly and resting her head on her palm.

"What do you want?" She mumble with her eyes close.
"You know that I getting marry right?" Camila's eyes shot wide open. " What?! When?! With who?! Ho-" I cover her mouth with my palm knowing the fact that she will never shut up.

"Do you remember my crush that I keep telling you right?" She pushed my hand away and nodded slowly.
"Yeah the one that you obsess and it creep me out." "Am I really sound like that?" I asked.

"Of course" She answered with duhh tone. "Wait.Are going to tell me that you are....." She trailed off and scanned my face "going to marry....with her?" She asked in disbelief.

I nodded vigorously. "YESSSS!!!"

The Girl With The Snapback(Lesbian Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now