Chapter 28

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That man glared the married couple from afar with so much hatred and revenge lingering inside his mind, his fist clenched hard watching the brunette girl laughed heartly with the raven hair girl

He was so eager to destroy the happiness, the happiness that he envied so much

For years he hunted the grey eyes girl, because of her, he suffered, suffered from the lost of his soulmate

His beloved couldn't accept his condition, and it all because of the grey eyes girl that he hated since they were teenage

When he found out his enemy came back to California, he couldn't help but gave a little gift to her

"She is mine! No one can have her beside me! Only me!!" Said the woman opposite of him, gave a death glare to the couple, mostly to the raven hair girl

That man ignored the sound of desperation from the woman and kept glaring at the married couple, watching them walked happily hand in hand through the crowd

"When are you going to kill that stealer bitch!?" a woman said frustratedly as she saw the hazel eyes girl kissed the taller girl

He couldn't hold anymore with the annoyance of the woman and snapped angrily "I said I know what I'm doing you slut" The warning came out calmly yet intimidating behind the gritted teeth

The woman gulped and shaking terriblely as her hand being gripped hard by the man in rage

A daunting smile curled up onto his lips "Let's them be happy first....don't be so mean sweetie...okay?" a soft slap on the woman's cheek making her nodded vigorously, terrified with the piercing eyes that held so much hatred

The man chuckled maniacly "just you wait Skylar, I will give your happy love story the best ending ever!"

He slowly held his hand up and kissed them

"Proudly by this hand" He laughed lightly and by that, the woman's face became pale and her palms were sweating, knowing so well for not messing up with the psycho man acrossed her



Few weeks have past since my first amazing night, the experience was so incredible to be forgetten, Skylar literally begged me to stop for a while because she informed me that she was about to pass out despite the fact she had a strong stamina

Well she couldn't blame me that she was so alluring, intoxicating, so good in bed, a good kisser and had amazing body that I found it so hard to resist

But what bothering me was, we had did it for a couple of time yet there was still no any sign indicating that I was pregnant, I took the test almost everyday but the line still showed negative


What if there is a problem with my body? And I....I-I ca-can't carry her baby? Just the thought of it made me feel sick, felt like someone just stabbed my heart with a hot knife

"Ouch!" Speaking of knife, it just hurt me, literally, I jerked away from the raw meat on the counter and sucked the blood that freed out from the deep cut

"Elise! Are you okay?!" Camila checked the cut and gasped "This is terrible! How can it happen?.......Elise what's wrong?" She wiped the warm liquids on my cheeks with the back of her hand

I shook my head as I put the pressure on the opening with my sleeve


"Nothing my ass! is Skylar hurting you?? Cheating on you???? I'm so going to beat her ass now!" She rolled up her sleeve and clenched her fists as she scoffed

I shook my head amused with how caring she was "No Cam....she'll never do that to me....because she loves me..." I said confidently, and put the plaster on the cut

"So why you look so...." Camila waved her hand up and down pointing to my face " emotional and sad" She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms

I pressed my lips together, hesitated whether to share my 'unsure' problem or not, but she was my best friend


"What?" I giggled at my wife above me, her grin didn't fade away, instead that heart-melting smile widen eventhough I was pretty sure that it was there for almost 30 minutes

She shook her head adorablely "It's nothing" Skylar flattened her palm on my stomach and softly rubbed it

I chuckled "No tell me" I put my hand on hers, "Fine fine.....I just thought that you're the prettiest, kindness, calmness, cutest, sexiest, finest girl I've ever meet

"Sometime I refuse to believe that you're my wife because you are just too perfect to be mine" She confessed, bending her head down on me and whispered to my mouth

"But I am the luckiest and the happiest girl in the world to call you mine....I love you" She concluded and kissed me, I blushed deeply and possibly drowning and suffocated under the sea of her love

"I didn't know the you can be such a charmer....I like it" I hanged my hands around her neck and played with her hair while she placed her arm under my knees as the other one under my back

"This charmer only for Elise Johanna James  a.k.a my lovely wife" She snuggled her nose on mine and pulled me closer on her lap, I laughed heartly with her sweet talk

"I bet if we have a daughter or son, they would looking so beautiful and handsome!....I mean look at us!" My wife smiled brightly and put her hand on my stomach

I felt my heart sinked deep in despair, looking at how so much ecstatic her face at the mention of kid


"There is no deny that this case tends to happen to certain married couples, and based from the examination of your body maam, the sperms that produced in your ovum are all healthy

"Almost 20 to 40% of infertility problems in women are caused due to irregular ovulation, which prevens the release of mature eggs from ovaries

"We can do some treatments such as gonadotrophins, clomifene and so on to prescribe the ovulation

"But I...can't promise the result" The doctor gave me a symphaty smile

"Elise...don't worry...everything's going to be fine" Camila smiled assurely to me as she rubbed my back soothly

(A/N: Forgive me if all of these informations are wrong)-Alex


What if all the treatments fail?

We had discussed about the adoption in case this occure, but still...I wanted to carry our own child, I wanted our kid to have our faces, our eyes, colour hair and our attitudes

Knowing the fact that there will be a life growing inside of me would be an incredible experience, and giving birth to our own child would be a beautiful moment

I wanted all of that happen to me, I wanted to experience the feeling of 9 months carrying a human made by our love

I wanted our kid to open their eyes for the first time only to meet their biological parents

The day we get marry, I already thing about our future, me using Skylar's eggs to carry her child, but the discoveration of her big secret somehow made me glad

Because that mean, I will carry the child of our own blood, DNA and genes, not the donor's

"Baby no....I'm so so sorry don't cry..." My love wiped my tears away with her thumbs and soothed my cheeks

"We'll be fine...we'll be just fine...never give up in our fate babe...never.." Skylar brushed my hair and kissed my head

"It has to"

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