Settling into Skyhold

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The next few days passed with little excitement other than the risks of slipping and falling of the cliffs of the Frostbacks. The Invading Army, or the Red Templars as members of the Inquisition began to call them, and it's commanders were nowhere to be seen and the weather had been consistently clear since there trek had begun. Which worked just fine for Hardvak who was pretty intent on studying the new world he found himself in.

"So apparently, the people here measure time in ages. And I'm currently in the Age of the Dragon. Figures." Hardvak said flipping thorough several pages of a book as his feet continued to stomp his way forward through the snow. "Of course, since dragons are here, I should probably see if they can speak like the ones back home." He said closing his book marked by the folded up map Josephine had given him with a sigh. "This place has just as much history as Tamriel does." He grumbled as he rubbed his Nord head. He would need weeks to get perfectly caught up in this world even despite what Solas had told him which he decided to sum up to see if he remembered right.

"Let's see, The country of Orlais is in a civil war. Ferelden it's neighbor has come back from whatever in Oblivion a Blight is. Both's former mother country Tevinter is currently at odds with another country that Iron Bull is from and there were several other countries that probably had their own set of problems that the elf didn't have time to explain.....Fantastic." Hardvak said aloud as he chucked the book back into his bag. The action got the notice of his current traveling companion.

"You seem confused." Leliana said

"Not confused. Just annoyed. Turns out Thedas is pretty big." Hardvak said turning toward the Spymaster. Unsurprisingly, she had decided to keep a close eye on him as they journeyed through the mountains. He couldn't blame her. To be a spymaster required you to be a little suspicious of almost everyone who joins your cause and Leliana had that in spades though she hid it masterfully.

"It's the world Hardvak. Were you expecting to read one book and just suddenly understand everything?" She asked with a light chuckle.

"Fair enough." Hardvak said replied. " Still though, it would help if I knew a few more things."

"I don't claim to be an academic, but I might be able to help." Leliana said.

"Very well. So what exactly is a Blight?" Hardvak replied.

Further up the road, a pair of elves who led the band of travelers seemingly arrived at a good vantage point.

Rayara swore with awe as she passed a rock that gave her a view of the cliffs across a wide a valley. There, several hundred feet away from her sat a magnificent stone fortress carved into the side of the mountains.

"Skyhold." Solas said stepping beside her. It took Rayara a minute or two to reply but when she did the awe hadn't left her voice.

"That'll work." She said not taking her eyes off the sight.

"I had a feeling it would." Solas replied with a chuckle. "I've traveled to many different places over the years but this place was always a favorite."

"Let's tell the others." Rayara said turning back towards the main group.

"A moment?" Solas asked before she could begin her journey back. Rayara turned back to him and waited for him to reply. "About Hardvak,"

"Ah. Did you get a chance to talk to him yet?" Rayara asked crossing her arms curious to his answer.

"I have. He is..... different." Solas replied with some hesitation.

"I could've told you that." Rayara said crossing her arms with a chuckle.

"It's more than just his personality." Solas clarified. " It's his connection to the Fade. Or rather lack there of ."

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