Chapter 23

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Taylor's POV

I was in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner while Karlie and Jo went upstairs for her bath and to have that talk. Personally, I thought she was overreacting to the whole thing. She was an innocent eight-year-old playing pretend with her friends. I didn’t see the harm in it.

But Josie wasn’t my daughter so I had to stay out of it.

After the dishes were done I let Dimples outside to do his business. He didn’t need too much time outside. Those little legs of his had a heck of a time with the steps leading off the deck. It was comical to watch the little guy jump onto the next step. Eventually Karlie was going to get that doggie door put in.

I took my glass of wine to the living room and sat back on the couch while I channel surfed. A new episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit was about to start in the next half hour so I just left NBC on. A few minutes later I heard Karlie coming down the stairs alone. Jo was probably splashing around in the tub for a bit before Karlie pulled her out for the night.

“How’d it go?” I asked her.

“Good, she was a little confused at first but I think it all made sense in the end,” she told me as she sat down next to me.

“Good. Do you feel better?” That’s what the talk was about, from what I gathered, making herself feel better.

“I may never feel better about it,” she chuckled. “I know you think I’m insane and I know her little marriages are innocent, but she grows up a little more each day, you know? When she gets to be ten and eleven she’s going to hit puberty and start developing and it won’t be as innocent. She can keep her husbands, but… why are you still looking at me like I’m overreacting?”

“Because she’s still eight!” I laughed. “Karlie, it’s not even crossing her mind about getting boobs or that little boys might get curious about them. When you were ten how many boobs did you touch?”

“Um… none,” she sighed, leaning over to rest her head on my shoulder.

“Honey, she’s going to grow up but you don’t want her to think every guy out there is a pervert who just wants to molest her, do you?”

“I don’t think she thinks that. She told me what Jourdan told her, and I know she was just trying to teach her acceptance. I guess I’m just looking at the long run and making my daughter older than eight.” Karlie tilted her head up to kiss my neck.

“I understand your concerns. Jo’s a gorgeous little girl. You know someday she’ll be beating boys off right and left–”

Karlie pulled her head back with a horrified look on her face. “Taylor, no, she is not beating boys off.”

“Why wouldn’t she?” How else was she going to get away from them?

Her horror turned into a small chuckle, which quickly formed into a hearty laugh.

“You do realize my mind went straight to beating boys off,” she explained while making a motion like she was jacking off.

Oh my God.

I burst out laughing too.

“No, freak show!” I shook my head at her.

The miscommunication was exactly what we needed to break the tension though.

“I know, I know, she’s going to be a popular girl,” she chuckled, sobering up some. “I just want it to be for the right reasons. She’s keeping her husbands, by the way.”

“Good. Hey, you never know. Those boys could grow up to be respectable young men who are protective of their former wife,” I pointed out. “You wouldn’t like someone bullying Jourdan, would you?”

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