Chapter 13

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Taylor's POV

My flight landed in San Diego on time. The flight wasn't completely full but it still took a while to empty out. I turned my phone on as I entered the gate area and followed the signs for baggage claim. I sent Kendall a text to let her know I'd landed. When I got to baggage claim a short time later the bags from our flight hadn't been unloaded yet.

I was playing around with my phone and I got the feeling someone was watching me. My eyes flitted up and I looked around for the source of what was giving me the heebie jeebies. It didn't seem like I was being watched. If I was, the guilty party had already looked away.

A bell rang in warning and lights flashed before the luggage conveyor belt started to move. Bags came out in all kinds of odd ways. My Louis Vuitton bag was toward the back and of course my short arms couldn't reach the damn thing. It never failed.

"Go go gadget arms," I muttered. Of course nothing happened.

Maybe after everyone else got their bag mine would slump down enough for me to reach it. I hoped that was the case.

A large, burly man reached out to snatch up my bag. "Is this yours?" he asked when he turned toward me. He was tall, not quite Karlie tall, but close. His eyes were blue and beneath his scruffy beard he had perfect white teeth as he smiled at me.

"Yes, thank you. These things were built for giants, I swear," I answered.

"Possibly," he chuckled. "I think you're too pretty to not have your own personal porter anyway."

"Awww that's sweet of you." I detected a little bit of a southern twang to his speech. It kind of reminded me of home but not quite. My much taller luggage wrangler plucked my heavy bag from the belt like it was full of cotton balls.

"I'm Calvin." He set his bag down before holding out his hand.

Definitely southern.

"Taylor," I replied. I shook his hand and curtsied a bit. I wasn't sure if he could tell thanks to the maxi dress I was wearing. His hands were tan and calloused. There was a little scar on the back of his hand and I noticed another on his inner bicep.

"Nice to meet you, Taylor. Louisiana?" he guessed.

"Yessir," I nodded. "Mississippi?"

"Yes, ma'am." He gave me a dazzling smile. "You here for a visit?"

"No, I'm living here now. I'm staying with some friends while I house hunt," I explained. Why I told him all that I wasn't sure. His smile really was nice. It was friendly and welcoming. I wanted to see it again. He was still holding my hand but I didn't mind that either.

"Good to know," he winked. "I uh... I need to run, but would it be okay if I call you sometime?"


"Sure." I had to let go of his hand to fish my phone out. Having him punch in his number was so much better than writing it on his hand or something.

"Thanks. I hope to hear from you soon, Taylor." Calvin picked up my hand to kiss the back of it.

"You will," I promised him.

In fact he had barely walked away when I sent him a text so he'd have my number too. I couldn't remember the last time I felt a spark like that but I liked it.


"Thanks for the time off," I said to Karlie while we were mid-shift Thursday.

"No problem," she replied. "It's not like it was a vacation a week after you started."

"True, but I still appreciate it." She didn't need to know all the details of the trip.

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