Chapter 14

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Karlie's POV

I ended up firing Aude for her little stunt. Her craziness validated my reasons for not fucking around with employees. It sucked because she was a great manager. I was going to have to promote one of the girls or find a new manager externally, which I hated. The promotion would be good for one of the girls, but I hated training new managers. I was very anal in the way I liked things done and I was going to have to trust someone enough to give them the keys to the kingdom so to speak.

I would think about that later though.

Josie was in her room doing whatever it was eight-year-olds did. I had the ingredients set out on the counter, waiting for Taylor to show up, which was supposed to be at any moment. I went to the fridge to grab a beer when the doorbell rang. Josie came barreling down the stairs screaming that she would get the door.

"You know the rule," I said from behind her. If she couldn't see through the peephole, she couldn't answer the door.

"It's a lame rule," she told me.

"That doesn't mean it's still not a rule," I replied. When we got to the door I led by example and checked the peephole. "You want me to lift you up to look?" I asked.

"No, I want to be taller so I can look myself." She had a step stool she could have used but never thought to think of it.

"You're getting there, princess," I said as I opened the door for Taylor. Taylor and Josie met in passing when Jourdan brought her by the café for lunch the week before. "Hey," I greeted Taylor.

"Hi, Taylor," Josie said. Dimples came running in too, to greet her.

"Hi," Taylor replied. She held out a bag to Jo and added, "A big bird told me you like Princess Elsa and since you're helping me learn how to cook..."

"Oooh! What is it? Papa can I open it?" Josie loved presents as much as any eight-year-old.

"Of course you can," I answered. I looked up at Taylor and added, "You didn't have to do that, but thank you."

"Oh I have one for you too." Taylor handed me my own bag.

"Uh... thanks..." I didn't remember the last time I received a present. I shook my head as I opened it up. A plain white... apron? I looked over and saw Josie had one too that was light blue with sequins and crystals sewn on.

"Olaf," Taylor said like it was obvious. "Because we can't forget the butt."

I laughed and said, "It's cute, Taylor. Where's your apron?" I knew it had something to do with my tattoo on my ass. Her reaction when she found out about it gave me the feeling she liked my ass.

Josie pulled hers over her head and spun around.

"It's so pretty, Taylor! I love it," my daughter beamed.

"Good. I'm glad it's not too long," Taylor replied. She pulled one more apron from her bag modeled after Anna's character. It was black with flowers stitched on it.

"That looks just like Anna's dress," Josie said.

"You think? I sewed it all by myself."

"Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh. I sewed your apron too. I can't cook but I can sew," Taylor said.

"Cool! Can you make me a Belle apron next? Oooh and an Ariel one too?"

"Princess, Taylor isn't your own personal seamstress," I told Josie.

Josie pouted while Taylor said, "Maybe we can make a trade for them, but it's up to your Papa."

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