Chapter 22

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Karlie's POV

Poor Taylor was a ball of nerves. She only got worse when the back door to the café opened and Josie came bouncing through.

“Hey, princess,” I smiled as Jo came over to wrap her arms around my hip. She was definitely a Papa’s girl. Taylor was standing next to me with a nervous smile on her face. Jourdan walked in behind Josie. She had her hair straightened, which she rarely did, with full makeup on. She was taller than Taylor with light mocha skin and big hazel eyes like Josie’s.  “Jourdan, this is Taylor, my girlfriend. Taylor, this is Josie’s mom, Jourdan.”

Taylor held out her hand with a warm smile on her face. “It’s nice to meet you. Josie talks about you all the time,” she said.

“She talks about you too,” Jourdan replied, taking Taylor’s hand. She wasn’t smiling, but she wasn’t scowling either. Taylor is the first girlfriend I’ve had that Josie’s met since the divorce.

“Are you hungry?” I asked. I knew Taylor wasn’t, she was a bit of a nervous eater.

“I’ll have a salad,” Jourdan answered.

“What about you, princess?”

“Can I have a grilled cheese?” Josie asked.

“Of course you can,” I answered. “Taylor, are you hungry at all?” I had to offer.

“I’ll just have some soup,” she told me.

“Okay.” We were still in the kitchen so I turned to start getting Jo’s grilled cheese together.

“Taylor, how old are you?” Jourdan asked. “What did you do before you worked here for Karlie?”

“I’m twenty-six,” Taylor answered. “Before I worked here I was living in New York. Truthfully, this is my first job. I do have a degree in history, though. I attended Boston University.”

“She came from an affluent family in Louisiana,” I added when I noticed the look on Jourdan’s face when Taylor said this was her first job. “She’s not after me for my money.”

“I wasn’t going to suggest that,” Jourdan said. “I was just curious what kind of girl you’re allowing around our daughter.”

“I’ve never been in rehab either, in case you’re wondering,” Taylor offered.

“What’s rehab?” Josie asked.

“It’s where people go to get help when they’re addicted to something,” Jourdan provided. “Have you ever been married?”

“I don’t see how that’s relevant,” I said.

“I’m curious,” she reminded me.

“It’s okay,” Taylor told me. “No, I haven’t been married. I was engaged to someone but it didn’t work out.”

I looked back from the stove to give Jourdan a look, silently telling her to be nice.

“I’m not going to embarrass you, Karlie,” she said. “Taylor, what do you do in your spare time? Thank you for making Jo’s costume, by the way. Thank you for doing her hair too.”

“Hey, I try.”

“It takes some practice. Making her costume was fun. I forgot how much I love sewing. It was the area of home economics I excelled at. Sadly, cooking is not my forte,” Taylor laughed.

“It’s true, Mom. Taylor isn’t good,” Josie said honestly.

Jourdan chuckled. “So finding Karlie was a bit of a godsend, huh?”

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