Chapter 16

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Aaaaand I hope you guys are ready for some adorable, I-just-want-to-love-you Bart. -While I try not to cringe from how overly cheesy this is.- Because you're getting some! And I spent my whole afternoon on this darn masterpiece so I really hope you guys will appreciate it. XD Enjoy!

Chapter 16

Impulse's heart rate has increased.

Bart internally groaned at the sound of his programming's droning, and tuned it out before heading toward you, a determined pounce in his step.

He was feeling quite confident about this. He had spent the afternoon searching about love, and had discovered typical human behaviour that was observed when said emotion was involved in a situation. A situation involving love, just like his! Seeing as he wanted to become as human as possible, and was excited to share his newfound feelings with you, he decided that he should employ what he had found on the web whenever he could.

People tended to approach the person they were attracted to by asking them out on a date, an activity that allowed them to better know each other. It often took place at a romantic location, such as fancy Italian restaurants or drive-ins, back when they existed.

But the boy didn't have any money, and definitely didn't want to ask you for some. That'd ruin the punch to it all, wouldn't it? He wanted to surprise you with this, to offer you a crash night! That alone would properly express his love for you!

And, either way, he already had an idea of a place to go to, one Wally had told him about...

Ignoring his racing heart, Bart boldly headed into the kitchen, where you were preparing your toast. He noticed the way you hadn't combed your hair yet. He appreciated the way this allowed it to give way to your pretty facial features instead of falling over your face like it usually did.

"(Y/N)," gently called out the male as he approached. Should I...? Hugs are used to say 'I love you', well, that's what the site said... But (Y/N) doesn't like getting touched...

His slight disappointment at this realization was instantly chased away when you turned to face him, your bright smile worth all of the chicken whizees in the world. "Good morning Bart!" You were obviously cheerful after a good night's sleep. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"Sure have!" The speedster returned your grin. "Look, I heard of a crash place," he tried to be as discreet as possible so you wouldn't get any ideas yet, "and I thought we could go check it out!"

Nodding, you softly praised, "That sounds lovely, Bart."

"So you wanna go?" Hope swelled in his chest as he intently watched you for a reply.

He felt himself relax at the sound of your giggles. "Of course I do! It's not like I'm doing anything tonight. But," you gave him a serious look, "for now, I have to study for my History test. So I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Sounds crash!" Bart observed as you finished preparing your toast, his eyes following you afterwards as you started to head for your room. "You can call me if you need help with your studying!"

"Noted!" You called out from ahead before disappearing into the hall.

The male watched, smiling fondly. Tonight was going to be a crash night spent with you, the girl he loved.

"Aaaaand where do you two think you're going?"

Wally's voice prompted both Bart and you to look over at his form, which was standing in the hall that was linked to the entrance.

~More Than A Program~/// Bart Allen x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon