Chapter 10

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 Soooo I felt the need to update since, well, it's been a small while -I let myself get sidetracked, whoops- and I'm heading out this weekend, so I won't be writing... Thus, this chapter was born. xD I hope it's good enough to keep you satisfied for the next few days! I hope you guys enjoy~

 Chapter 10

      "Bart, hurry up!"

"Just a few more minutes (Y/N)!"

With a heavy sigh, you joined the speedster in the kitchen. Crossing your arms, you smirked in amusement as you pointed out, "Y'know, it's ironic that we're late. Someone would've thought that you being so fast would meant we'd be ahead of time."

Bart, seeming annoyed at your degrading words, muttered, "You can't speed up the recharging process, (Y/N)."

"Aww, come on, don't be so serious about it!" You faked a pout. "I was just joking."

He raised an eyebrow at you, but didn't bother replying.

Laughing quietly, you whispered to yourself, "Attitude much."

Your eyes strayed over to his case, which he was watching over intently. It was connected to a plug in the wall by a cable. When you had asked Bart about it earlier, he had explained he was recharging it. The box was designed to run for a week or so before its power died out. If it did, he'd disappear and be absorbed back into his case. Being the program he was, his power source -his case- was essential for him to physically exist.

But such an event would not be fatal, for he'd be re-introduced once the case was recharged. Although if it was damaged in any way, some of his functions would malfunction or members of his body would be paralyzed. If it was destroyed... He'd completely cease from existence.

Thus, the reason he had been watching over his case all night. It was basically his lifeline, really. By ensuring its safety, he was also ensuring his.

And it was obvious he wasn't taking doing so lightly. You took a seat next to him and noticed his expression. You rarely saw him with the serious, focused expression he bore at the moment, and like the last time you had, you found yourself thinking it made him look handsome, more mature.

"How much longer?" You murmured softly, reaching for a strand of your hair, and starting to play with it.

"About ten minutes or so." A moment of silence passed before, "How are you doing that?"

Looking up with a confused hum, you followed his gaze over to your now-braided (h/c) lock. He was observing it admiringly. This brought a small smile to your lips.

"It's called braiding, Bart. I can show you how to do it at one point, if you want."

Finally, he looked up at over at you. Upon seeing your warm expression, his stony one softened, and he slowly returned your smile.

Breaking out into a wide grin, you praised, "That's better."

     After a week spent having fun with Bart at home, going back to school felt a little weird. Or maybe it was because he was accompanying you to class.

See, you were to hand in your Impulse projects today. And your teacher had advised you all to bring the speedsters to school as well.

You would've thought that Bart would be super excited, speeding around the place and asking you about everything, but... Nope.

He had been oddly quiet ever since you set foot in the building. Sure, he was looking around, and with lots of interest, but he seemed... Nervous?

You couldn't tell why though, so you didn't ask him about it. Yet.

~More Than A Program~/// Bart Allen x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora