Chapter 6

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I had temporarily lost motivation to write this until inspiration happened. So yeah. Thank your lucky stars people xD Enjoy this chapter~

Chapter 6

To your disgruntlement, the next day, upon your awakening, the power was out. Again.

So, the movie you had planned to watch with Bart to help him recognize different emotions had to be postponed.

This the reason you weren't in the best mood as you roughly scrubbed dirty dishes. You barely noticed Bart entering the room.

Ever since the day you had told him about your past, you noted he was a little calmer and could be more mature at times. Well, if food wasn't within his range of vision, of course. If not, well, forget it. You'd be in for a cleaning session once he finished speeding across the house with a food element in hand.

"Hey, why don't you use the dishwasher instead? It'll be much quicker."

"The power's out," you grumbled, unable to spare your voice of your irritation.

Fortunately, the boy paid no attention to it. "Oh, right." He placed himself at your side, watching your hands work furiously. "Although I bet you wouldn't use it even if you could."

You couldn't help but curve your lips into the smallest smile at those words. Bart knew you pretty well, huh... "Yup. I don't like technology much, same reason as why I don't like Speedsters." You turned toward him and added softly, "Well, apart from you."

His eyes brightened at this, and he returned the smile. Afterwards, glancing at the remaining dishes, he questioned, "Why don't you tell me to do them then? I could clean them all in like, five seconds."

Letting out a small sigh, you dropped the rag in your hand, rid your skin of bubbles and turned toward your companion, a brow furrowed in amusement. "Sheesh, for someone who's supposed to know everything, you're pretty oblivious!" An offended look fell over his face, but was replaced by a smile when, upon your laugh, he realized you were only teasing him.

"But look, Bart." Now serious, you watched his expression turned into one of attentiveness before you continued. "I consider you as an equal. This means I don't feel like I'm superior nor inferior to you. I see you as a person with as many rights and with as much worth as me. I don't feel like you're an Impulse that is meant to do chores and take orders or whatever, I feel like you're a human that, well..." You hesitated before concluding, "That wants to be my friend. Friends don't order each other around or exploit the other unless, well, one of them is a jerk or something. Which neither of us are. I'm not gonna force you to do anything. It'd just be wrong."

Bart nodded in understanding, earning a satisfied hum from you before you turned back toward the task at hand.

"But..." Bart suddenly seized your right hand, forcing you to stop working for a moment. Confused, you turned toward him. "Humans... Help each other. Right?"

For a few moments, you remained quiet, taking in his words. Then, understanding his intentions behind such a question, you smiled faintly. "Yes, they do."

"Then, I'll help you." You watched as he hastily dug into the drawers and pulled a rag out of one. He fetched one of the clean dishes you had placed on the counter and starting drying it.

"Take your time," you quickly advised, turning back toward the sink. "That way, we'll be able to chat a little."

By mid-day, the electricity hadn't come back yet, and both Bart and you were bored out of your skin. Society games could only last so long before they became tiring.

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