Chapter 13

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Edit: NEW COVER GUYS!! THIS TOTALLY-CRASH COVER WAS MADE BY NONE OTHER THAN @Baller_Butterfly25, ONE OF MY LOVELY READERS WHO WAS KIND ENOUGH TO MAKE IT. Go show her some love! Thank you so much again for the awesome cover sweetie!! Lots of love!! <3 <3

Chapter 13

After having taken in the injured Kid Flash, you assisted Bart in treating it. His database supplied him with info on how to give first aid, so you were able to save the program.

At the moment, it was resting in your guest room. According to Bart, with a little bit of sleep, it would fully recover from its wounds. He had figured that they were the results of constant travelling and negligence over a long period of time.

Although you weren't too fond of having a speedster whom you didn't know in the house, you decided to take care of it anyway. Both your motherly side, and the curiosity to know how he got in a dark alley in such a horrible state, muffled out your unease.

You could tell that Bart felt connected to the program, and he therefore insisted you nurse him back to help. You hadn't told him yet, but... You were considering adopting the Kid Flash. You had taken Bart's word when he had told you it'd be as loyal as he, and... He'd have someone to hang out with when you'd be at school.

Anything to keep your beloved companion happy.

You barely looked up from your book when you acknowledged a weight plop down next to you on your bed. A quiet yawn sounded, finally making you look up. Exhaustion was etched into Bart's face after a long day of watching over his 'cousin'.

You smiled faintly in amusement. "How much time have you stayed up with it?"

"36 hours," Bart mournfully groaned, slowly dragging a hand over his face.

You frowned, worrying for Bart's well-being. You briefly glanced over at the clock; it was nearing 11PM. "Bart, even you need to sleep sometimes. It's getting late, we should both get some shut-eye."

"No!" The male whined with a pout. "I don't wanna sleep. Not yet."

You arched an eyebrow at him, but decided not to argue. Flicking your hand dismissively , you carelessly replied, "Fine, fine, but I'm not leaving my bed. Read a book or something."

Your eyes trailed back to the pages set before you. You heard Bart shift beside you, fetching a book, before a peaceful silence followed.

Although it was short-lived.

"(Y/N), I'm booooored!" Your companion's sudden complaint made you sit up with a jolt.

Glaring over at him in annoyance, you growled, "Bart, I'm trying to read! Go keep yourself busy elsewhere or something!"

"But I wanna stay with you!"

"Then settle down and be quiet." With a huff, you whipped your head back toward your book, narrowing your eyes slightly as you intently focused on it.

To your relief, Bart did end up going silent. You smiled lightly, happy that you could finally read-

Scratch that. That was seemingly too much to ask for.

The male had leaned in especially close to get a proper glimpse at the pages, and was muttering to himself.

Without looking over at him, you queried nonchalantly, "Bart? What are you doing?"

From the corner of your eye, you saw the concentrated look on his face melt away as he replied, "I'm reading along to your book, keeping myself busy. ...What, is it annoying you?" Worry overtook his facial features at those last words.

You stood no chance. His cute obliviousness won you over. Breaking out into a grin, all signs of previous annoyance now washed away, you giggled in amusement before turning over to him. "If you give me a little bit of personal space, I'll read out loud for you." That way, I can read and he can be entertained. I'm killing two birds with one stone.

Finally noticing how close he and you were -his chin was just above your shoulder-, Bart flushed and quickly pulled away, whispering an apology. When you let out a small laugh at this, he seemed to relax, his embarrassment dying out almost instantly. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

Judging the way that he then got quiet, looking at you expectantly, you guessed that he was eager for you to start reading.

And so you did.

You found yourself enjoying it; cozy under comfortable, snug blankets, your room illuminated only by the lamp's warm, orange light, your messy hair playful tickling your ears and neck, Bart's emerald eyes twinkling in amazement as he listened to your smooth voice, only your murmured words and his soft breathing filling the calm silence of the night.

Nighttime usually made you feel lonely and nostalgic. They always brought up memories, or you'd overthink things and end up being miserably.

But now, it was quite the opposite. With Bart by your side... The night's horrors seemed to be kept at bay. And a pleasant sensation of companionship and appreciation overwhelmed your senses. It made a giddy, happy feeling rise in your chest, one you recalled having experienced during those days you had labelled as 'the best days of your life' back when you were an innocent kid.

It was an amazing feeling. One that, you realized with a small smile, only Bart could grant you with.

It was just a few minutes past midnight when, finally looking up from your book, you noticed Bart was fast asleep, his head lolled back against the wall.

Giggling at how he looked like an adorable, slumbering child, you decided not to wake him up. Reaching for the lamp set on your bedhead, you murmured softly to him, "Good night..."

And, with a simple 'click', the room was doused in a lovely darkness.

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