17: Return

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"Did you sleep well?" Bill asked.

Mabel nodded. "I did."

"Let me make you breakfast, Shooting Star." Bill got up.

I can't believe he's this nice already? Mabel thought. It feels like it's happening too fast.

"What do you like?"

"Pancakes," Mabel managed to smile at his generosity, "but Bill, do you even know how to cook?"

"Sure I do." Bill nervously laughed.

"You can be honest with me, Bill." Mabel began to get up.

"Okay, I've never made actual human food before." Bill sighed. "I just wanted to make you happy."

"That's sweet of you, Bill." Mabel smiled. "At least let me help, though."

"You're right." Bill nodded. "I'll probably blow up the mansion."

As Bill began to walk out of the room, Mabel stopped him. "Hey, Bill?"

He turned around. "Yeah?"

"Do you have any extra clothes?" Mabel asked. "The sweater I'm wearing smells awful."

Bill nodded. "There are clothes in your closet."

"Okay." Mabel nodded. "I'll change and meet you in the kitchen."

"Do you know where it's at?"

"Actually, no." Mabel pouted.

"You can be honest with me, Shooting Star." Bill winked. "Just tell me when you're dressed and I'll do my magic."

He left the room, closing the door behind him. Mabel walked to her closet door and opened it. Inside were racks of sweaters and skirts, almost as if there were infinite choices. Mabel chose a plain blue sweater with a yellow skirt to match. After changing, she slipped on her flats and put a yellow headband in her hair.

Mabel then looked in the mirror, combing through her hair with her fingers, trying to get the tangles out. For some reason, she wanted to look cute for Bill.

Mabel sighed and smiled at herself in the mirror. "Bill!"

In a snap, she appeared in the kitchen, where Bill rummaging through cabinets to find a pan. He stopped to look up at her and was mesmerized with how beautiful she looked. "Love the outfit, Shooting Star."

His compliment made Mabel blush and she gently smiled. "Thanks."

He smiled back at her and then looked back at the cabinet. "Finally found it."

Bill took a pan out of the cabinet and put it on the stove. "Gotta get the mix now."

Mabel couldn't help but feel something inside her. She was having feelings for him yet again. Even though he was supposedly evil, Bill had changed so much from the short time his evil self appeared the night before.

Was it because of Mabel? Her positivity and love rubbing off on him?

Mabel smiled. I knew he could change.

As Bill rummaged through the cabinets again, Mabel walked over to him, feeling her heart pound with every step she took to get closer to him.

Once she reached him, Mabel put her hand on his. Bill stopped what he was doing and turned his head to look down at his hand. He then locked his eyes with Mabel's and smiled.

"Bill," Mabel whispered, "I love you."

Bill gently pushed her bangs out of her eyes. "I never stopped loving you."

Mabel wrapped her arms around Bill's neck before closing her eyes and leaned in, pressing her lips against his. Bill wrapped his arms around Mabel's waist, pulling them closer and making their kiss more romantic.

Mabel ran her fingers through his hair, not breaking their kiss apart. Bill scooped Mabel up and hugged her close. Mabel broke the kiss apart and hugged him as tight as she could. She rested her chin on his shoulder, softly smiling.

Bill kissed the top of Mabel's head. "You make me so happy, Shooting Star."

Mabel smiled as she closed her eyes. "You're the man of my dreams, Bill."

"I've never felt so warm inside before." Bill chuckled. "I'm supposed to be a bad person, but you've changed me. Thank you, Mabel."

Mabel's eyes shot open and widened. "Mabel?"

Mabel knew now that the good Bill had returned.

"Your real name sounds prettier, don't you think?" Bill rested his chin on her head.

She sighed with relief. "I think it does."

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