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Hey Peoples!! See, told you this one would be quicker! Anyway, hope you enjoy! Vote and Comment, also, please :) See that button over there? Please press it! ----------------------------------------------------->


I had forgotten how he made me feel, all warm and mushy inside. His strong arms held me for a long moment, and he kissed my lips tenderly until Charlie cleared his throat. We broke apart reluctantly, Jake catching my hand in his big warm one.

I smiled at my dad, and reached forward to give him a one-armed hug. His face was full of emotion, especially joy.

"It's good to have you back Bella." He said in a choked voice. I looked at his eyes- they seemed misty. Was he crying? It seemed that they were tears of joy, however. Which were fine by me, as long as he was not mad at me.

"I've missed you too, Dad. A lot." I said, letting him go.

"How’ve you been?" Jake asked.

"Well, everything has been hectic, but I’ve been really good." I answered.

"Is that so?" He asked with a coy smile- as if my answer amused him.

"Yeah, I would have visited earlier but I’ve been busy lately. I really missed you, you know."

"Hey, what about me?" Charlie teased lightly.

"More than you know." I answered seriously.

Charlie laughed. "Good, then. Maybe this time you’ll stay put here."

I rolled my eyes, but I knew he was actually serious, he did expect me to stay. Of course, that was impossible. I really wanted it to be a possibility though, there were so many things I had missed about home. Even though I had first hated Forks when I came here, that had all changed. It was actually a pleasant place, despite the rain.

Charlie laughed again. "Well, lets not stand around in the airport all day. I’m sure you’re eager to get home and spend some time with Jacob- away from me."

"Sure, let’s go. That’s not the only reason I want to go home though." I said with a smile.

"Oh, really?" He challenged. "What’s the other reason?"

"Because there is food there!" I joked.

"You wish. There is literally nothing to eat in the house right now."Charlie laughed.

"And now nothing at our house since your Dad’s been eating there almost every day since you’ve been gone." Jake piped up.

"I don’t blame him, he’d have starved otherwise."

They both laughed, and Jake took my bag from me while we started walking to the exit. "By the way, I’m taking you out tonight." He said casually.

I smiled. Alone time with Jacob? I think so! "That’ll be great, I can’t wait!" I said, before turning to my Dad, intending to ask permission. "Er, Dad?"

"You can go." He said with a small smile. Which was surprising. Not because he didn’t want me dating Jacob, but because I had thought he would want to spend all his time with me this weekend.

But, hey, I guess he understands that a girl’s gotta have some boy time.

I was expecting the ride home to be somewhat quiet, but it was quite the opposite. I was bombarded with questions the whole time, mostly about Caelan, Natalie, and Gavin, and the reason for my initial disappearance. I managed to avoid telling them my reasons for leaving. I just couldn’t think of a plausible lie.

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