Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

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Gaby chewed nervously at her thumb nail as she checked the time on her phone which read 5:30. Troy would arrive in a half hour and Nick still was not home from work.

 "Where the heck are you?" Gaby asked as soon as Nick answered the phone.

"Something came up at work; I will be home as soon as I can."

"Whatever," Gaby snapped as she ended the call, she had been on pins and needles for the past two weeks as she prepared for the dinner, only to have Nick show up late.

"Victoria did you finish setting the table?"

"Yes ma, who's coming to dinner."

"A friend of mine," Gaby said as she peered out of the window.

"Can I call Savannah?"

"Go ahead but you have twenty minutes." Gaby called after her as the little girl raced off to Nick's office to make the call.


Nick shook his head as he tossed his cell phone into his briefcase and turned his attention back onto the woman sitting across from his desk. Never in a million years did he think that he would have Petra Franklin, his ex-boss' widow offering to give him Franklin and Hart.

"I've done all I can with the company and now I'm tired, I can't do anymore. After you and Ian left things haven't been the same, the only option I have left is a complete takeover." Petra said as she a few stray red hairs from her face.

"Why me?"

"After everything Stewart did to you and your wife it seems like the ultimate slap in the face. Besides I can't think of a better person to take us over." Petra said with a weak smile as she tried to not to think about the damage her husband caused.

"How is Gabrielle? I missed her at the spring Gala."

"She's doing well, just being super-mom as usual."

"I know you want to get home to your family, just promise me you will think about it." Petra said as she stood up from her seat.

"I will think about it."

Nick escorted Petra out before straightening up his office and going home, only to get stuck in traffic.

Gaby is going to kill me.


A black Land Rover pulled into the driveway and Gaby's heartbeat began to pick up. Gaby hoped that Nick would have been home before Troy arrived so she could have some time to prep him. Gaby put on her best smile and opened the door as Troy stepped out of the car before opening the back passenger door. A little boy hopped out of the car who looked to be about the same age as Jacob and stared at Gaby as they walked up to her.

"Hey Gaby," Troy said with a smile.

"Hi Troy, how are you?"


"Who is this handsome little chocolate chip?" Gaby asked as she smiled sweetly at the boy who was hugging Troy's leg.

"This is my son TJ, say hi TJ." Troy said trying to pry the little boy from his leg as he shook his head no.

"Mommy, daddy home?" Jacob asked as he peeked from behind his mother.

"No Jakey this is mommy's friend Mr. Troy and his son TJ." Gaby said as Jacob studied Troy for a moment before turning his attention to the little boy.

"You like dinosaurs?" Jacob asked and TJ shook his head yes.

"Can we go play?" Jacob asked.

"If it's okay with Mr. Troy,"

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