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FLOWERS HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG, YET WE RIP THEM FROM THEIR HOMES AND GIVE THEM TO PEOPLE WHO DON'T LOVE US — beautiful roses, daisies and sun flowers had been put down on the ground, Jason Blossom was gone yet it was all everyone thought of

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FLOWERS HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG, YET WE RIP THEM FROM THEIR HOMES AND GIVE THEM TO PEOPLE WHO DON'T LOVE US — beautiful roses, daisies and sun flowers had been put down on the ground, Jason Blossom was gone yet it was all everyone thought of. Fran could feel her skin burning, her lungs refused to breath as she suffocated right in front of her locker, her thoughts became something of a deep river, dragging her down.

The fear spread inside of her, this feeling was to comfortable as she had felt it many times during the summer, the breathing, the suffocation almost felt like a home in a twisted and unfamiliar way, the panic attack felt like home, in one way or another. The counting of number started to count in her head but as soon as the thoughts of Jason made the numbers seem nothing more than something she had been told to do. Everything felt like her world was crumbling right beneath her feet.

The counting had been a great help when feeling like suffocation, almost like drowning and counting 1001, 1002, 1003 and so on was the lifeboat or the lighthouse.  She had been told many times to breath in a square, one corner to the next but her mind often did not associate suffocation with a square.

And if Jess hadn't appeared from the hole of hell she had climbed out of in this moment, Fran was sure she would have suffocated right there on the spot. -"Jason... He was something right?" Jess spoke and looked at her corridor friend.

In that moment everything stopped, everything became normal like she snapped out of it, Fran smiled at Jess as both knew Jess wanted to be just as ice cold as Francesca Frost. Without waiting for a replied the teenage girl tried again to start somewhat of a conversation as it was only one sided this far.

-"Who do you think killed him?" And the wide and proud smile on Francesca vanished in less than a second and Jess could tell that something was up, she was the master of knowing people even if she was the most fake person of them all. Jess tried once again, as she knew she had hit a nerve, -"You were friends right..." As it wasn't a question by rather a statement. -"You probably slept him right...?" Jess spoke with her tongue clicking against her teeth.

Francesca smiled, as this assured the ice cold girl that Jess didn't have a clue what was going on as she was the master of mysteries. -"What do you think, Jess... I killed him?" She spoke as she giggled, -"I probably slept with him too?... You know what, you can believe everything you want because, I know truth." And with that, all that hatred towards Jess and the coldness she left behind as her heels clicked against the ground she walked away.

The high school speakers echoed as the Sheriff Keller told the school, what most already knew, -"Most of you already know the details.... But your classmate Jason Blossom's body was found late Saturday night. So as of the weekend... Jason's death is now being treated as a homicide. It is an open and ongoing investigation--"

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