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EDGAR ALLAN POE SAID THAT THE DEATH OF A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE MOST POETICAL TOPIC IN THE WORLD - but the most poetic topic in Francesca's mind was a women who knew what she wanted, what she needed and women who fought for everythi...

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EDGAR ALLAN POE SAID THAT THE DEATH OF A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE MOST POETICAL TOPIC IN THE WORLD - but the most poetic topic in Francesca's mind was a women who knew what she wanted, what she needed and women who fought for everything and settled for nothing else. As she whispered the boy's name in a hushed tone and as the teacher who slept with a younger boy grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her back away from the students.

-"Francesca Frost, are you okay?" Ms. Grundy asked and looked into the girl's eyes and they say that the eyes are windows to the soul, and in that moment it seemed like the teacher who made bad choices saw right through the girl standing in front of her. Francesca shook her head and smiled, -"Jason Blossom deserved better and the speech Cheryl spoke it moved my stone cold heart."

Francesca played the part of a teenage girl in love as she placed her hand on her heart and Ms. Grundy just nodded her head as she let go of Fran's arm and walked away, as she knew very well that Jason and Francesca used to spend time together after his music lesions.

And just maybe that's why the teacher let go of the students, not that she could keep holding on to the students but maybe Ms. Grundy felt guilty that she didn't do anything on that fourth of July sunny morning and standing in front of the girl who cared about the boy who died.

Even Ms. Grundy didn't really know what or how Francesca Frost felt about the red haired boy but she wasn't def and had heard one of the many rumors going around school about the ice queen and her boy toys. Or maybe she knew what it fell like, when people had already made up their minds about someone and understand how dangerous that could be.

When lunch time came with fast steps as the time couldn't have moved faster as Francesca told the gym teacher that she needed to go to the bathroom and battered her eyelashes at the old gym teacher who smiled and watched as the young girl walked out of his special classroom, she turned her heels, threw that awful smile and walked away knowing full well that she was not coming back to the horrible gym hall ever again as they guys only smacked their mouths as the girls let them.

Francesca had spend her morning in the library as most people now days rather looked up the facts on the internet and would not go near a stack full of books voluntarily, but she herself found the silence and the lack of people comfortable. As she made her way out of the library and into the outside where half the school was eating their lunches and this was high school at its finest, where the nerd had their place and jocks, the popular kids as much as the non-popular kids.

But this time Francesca didn't feel like she fitted into any groups, she could always sit by her brother but that would mean that the two of them would be the new Blossom's twins that shared everything and that wasn't good on any level.

-"Francesca Frost?" A boy said and as Fran's eyes landed on the hot red haired boy who she secretly watched earlier with the name of Archie Andrews, she looked questionable on the boy who she hadn't really spoken to before, he sat with Betty who Francesca was used to see every morning and the awkward eye contact and the awful waving at each other.

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