S.H. • Night Duty

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Jihoon sighed his last breathe, which he believe will never end anyways despite mentioning last. It's already 5 in the morning now, yet his boss haven't let him go yet, which annoyed him and made him kick a rock on his way that strong; luckily he was wearing a durable pair of rubber shoes or else his foot would've hurt from the strong impact. He had been working for so long, as he usually starts his duty at 6 in the evening. His duty ends at 30 past 4 in the early morning, which was 30 minutes ago.

Jihoon looked at the night sky above him. There were a few stars shining bright and visible, enough for them to be noticed right away. Suddenly, his boss came to his mind.

Not that he loves him thou. Truthfully speaking, his boss at duty is actually just his best friend, which he always argue with to be honest. As mentioned that Jihoon is mad at the fact that his best friend had totally forgotten to dismiss the petite boy, he knew the reason after all. He can't do anything about it, besides all he can do is wait and hold back his self.

Jihoon knew Seungcheol was making love, with his said boy friend Jeonghan at Seungcheol's work room which was at the very top floor of the building.

Yes, Seungcheol is Jihoon's boss, and best friend too.

At first, Jihoon hardly believed at love. He didn't believe that love between two humans exist, so he didn't believe that relationships that last forever between couples exist either.

But after seeing his own boyfriend have one, he was forced to believe so. At least that was what he felt about it.

"Jihoon," called a voice that Jihoon always knew himself. Jihoon didn't need to turn around too, since he was really sure it belonged to Seungcheol.

"You can go home now. I'm sorry if I made you wait so much." Spoke his best friend.

Jihoon noticed him sit beside him. If I have to be detailed, Jihoon was sitting at the building's entrance's stairs.

Not to mention what Jihoon noticed about Seungcheol by now.

He smelled like he just came from a bed scene if you know what I mean, his hair looked ragged and grabbed from every parts and his scalp seemed to endure the painful feeling, his clothes looked so messy that he looked like a street person, and he had abused lips too. As far as Jihoon can see from his own peripheral vision, Seungcheol had purple marks on his neck which was barely covered by his shirt.

Jihoon came up with the perfect conclusion he thought of in such a very short period of time. Indeed, they made out in the bed sheets, at the vacant bed in Seungcheol's said work room's corner.

"How's Jeonghan?" Jihoon suddenly blurted out.

"He's asleep in bed." The older answered. "He was too tired and managed to fall asleep."

"Good to hear." Jihoon replied. Of course Jeonghan has to be his friend too.

"As what I said from earlier, you should go home now." Seungcheol told the younger. The younger at first didn't budge a muscle, before at least three minutes passed and he stood up from his seat.

"Go home safely." Said Seungcheol to Jihoon with a clue of sorrowfulness, as if they will never see each other again.

Jihoon was walking on the streets, currently heading home. To be truthful, the streets were barely lit since there were only a few streetlights. But still, Jihoon can see his way and his surroundings clearly enough.

He can describe his moment right now as peaceful, since there was no one in sight and he was alone. There was no noise being made for real, and there were no cars or any vehicles passing by.

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