True Feelings

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|Warning! Very Mature Content This Chapter!


"Are you ready?"

"Almost, I just need to put on my shoes," I shouted to him from the bedroom. Christian was taking me on yet another surprise adventure as he calls it.

Since the moment we woke up this morning, he's been showering me with gifts and took us on a boat out to sea. It started with a nice breakfast on our balcony, then he sent me to a luxurious spa to be pampered while he finished up at the studio. After a few hours of spending time in heaven, I was left with his credit card to do a little shopping. Something he insisted on me doing, so I tried my best to not overdue it.

After I was done, he was already waiting for me outside of the shopping center in his jeep. From there he took us to a private boat where he surprised me with whale watching and snorkeling. Something I've always said I wanted to do if I had the chance of going to Hawaii.

Seeing these amazing animals, along with a few dolphins and sea turtles in the mix was amazing. I never thought I'd ever had the chance to be up close and personal with animals I only saw on tv, especially in their natural habitat. Christian spent majority of the time taking pictures of the whole thing, only putting down his camera when we got ready to go snorkeling.

I don't think my smile ever left my face since I woke up and it was all because of him.

"You won't be keeping them on long." He told me walking into the room, looking down at his phone.


Truthfully, I really didn't think he could get any more attractive than he already was but clearly, I was wrong. He looked nice in a loose white button up and khaki slacks. His hair was slightly combed back and styled nicely, and of course, his choice of cologne being my favorite.

When he looked up, he paused as his eyes scanned me from head to toe slowly. The white maxi dress was flowy but showed just enough skin to give it that sex appeal. I almost didn't want to wear it because of the slight cleavage it showed and the high slits on both sides. Next time I would pick out my own dresses because Chelez and Raya play too much.

I played with my bracelet feeling my skin heat up from his intense gaze. I swear he doesn't realize how he looks at me sometimes. "Baby, you look so beautiful tonight."

A smile tugged at my lips as he walked up to me and grabbed my hands, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "You're not looking to bad yourself. You definitely should dress up more often."

"Now that I have a reason to, maybe I will. Take a picture with me?" I nodded, figuring now I don't mind him posting us together. At first, I was nervous because I knew how crazy fans could get when they out their faves is taken. The last thing I wanted was for him to get hate comments because of me.

Pushing that all to the side though, we posed together with him wrapping his arm around my waist pulling my closer to him. Once he took the picture, he looked at then at me, silently asking if he could post it. "Go ahead."

Kissing me, he took another and posted both photos quickly. "Real smooth." I chuckled, walking towards the front door. Christian told me that I didn't have to bring anything so I'm leaving my personal stuff here, safely put away.

Stepping outside we were greeted with a limo waiting for us. I looked at Christian wondering what he was up to. Opening the door for me, I slid in first, him following behind me. The sun was setting as the driver drove us to wherever Christian had told him. I knew it had to be where we would be having dinner and knowing him, it would definitely be nice.

Just One More Night •Christian Yu•Where stories live. Discover now