Forgiveness Pt 2.

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"Listen, Mariah, I love you so don't get offended when I tell you this but you acted kind of ungrateful after finding out the truth." Raya blurted out, just as we all piled up into her car in front of the airport.

"Yeah? How so?" I asked lowly, laying my head against the cool window glass just as the rain began to fall.

"I get I have no room to talk because I don't know what it's like to be adopted bu-"

"And that's exactly why you should shut up." Chelez interrupted quickly, eyeing Raya from the passenger seat. "It's always people like you telling others how to respond to a situation that they can't even relate to themselves."

"Look I'm just sayin' Chelez, Mariah should look at the pros instead of the cons you know? She grew up with people who truly loved her and most in her position rarely ever get that." Raya explained, finally starting up the car.

Chelez smacked her lips loudly. "So you're saying she doesn't have the right to be even a little upset? Girl please."

"No, that's not what I'm saying but not talking to her parents for weeks was messed up."

"Maybe but it's not my place or yours to tell her how to act or respond to being told something like that."

And here we go, I thought to myself as the two began to bicker back and forth as usual. I sighed lowly to myself thinking of what I was going to say to my parents. There was no doubt that I missed them, and I understood what Raya was saying. I was wrong for pushing them away but I had every right to feel the way I did.

My mistake was not talking to them and acting like a brat to the whole situation.

Still, I was hurt.

I wanted to know who my birth parents were. Who their parents were. What their family was like. My family was like. I mean was I wrong to want to know?

"Just drop me off at my parents, I'll find a way back to campus," I said out loud, interrupting their overly dramatic argument about me as if I wasn't sitting in the back seat.

Raya looked at me through her rearview mirror and simply nodded her head as she made an exit off the interstate. My heart thumped loudly inside my chest from nervousness. I knew realistically I had nothing to be nervous about but I haven't seen or spoken to my parents in weeks. I couldn't lie and say that I didn't miss them because I did, very much, as well as my siblings minus Mel's ass of course.

That was another thing that made me nervous. I don't know what I'll do if I see her again.

It will take the strength of Jesus himself to pry my hands from around her neck.

"Do you want us to join you?" Chelez asked, turning in her seat to look back at me. I knew she was concerned just by the look on her face but I was a big girl and I needed to do this alone.

I shook my head slightly. "Nah, I'll fill you guys in once I get back."

"But before we do that, we have to make a quick stop somewhere first."


Taking out my key, I inserted it and unlocked the front door, slowly opening it and immediately being hit with the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls. My stomach practically growled at the scent as I closed the door behind me, quietly making my way into the kitchen where I heard my parent's voices coming from.

I stood at the entryway watching my father eat while my mom poured herself a cup of coffee. A small smile tugged at my lips seeing them still doing the same Saturday morning routine since I was a little girl.

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