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Hey friends I have been tagged by Tam2359 to answer the following questions.

Q.1) What is your favourite colour?
Ans. Black, Grey and Red.

Q.2) What is your favourite food?
Ans. I love maggi.

Q.3) In which countries do you wanna visit?
Ans. USA 😍.

Q.4) Who is your favourite celebrity?
Ans. Ranvir Singh and Deepika Padukone.

Q.5) Who is your favourite voltage character?
Ans. Ofcourse Eisuke.

Q.6) Which voltage game do you like the most?
Ans. I love all voltage games, but if I have to select some then it will be- Liar, Kbtbb, Irresistible mistakes.

Q.7) If any voltage game is discontinued, then which one will you prefer to be discontinued?
Ans. The Era of Samurai or something like that. I simply just dont understand what happens in that game 😅. (No harsh feelings people).

Q.8) What will you choose- Food or shopping?
Ans. Food is always my first priority 😃.

Q.9) Choose your favourite babes from the following:-
Eisuke, Ota, Leon, Kiyoharu, Soryu, Yamato, Akito, Ichigo, Minato, Chiaki, Teorus, Ichthys, Hiro, Takuto, Sakuya, Yuzuki, Ryochi, Noel, Miyabi, Issei, Narumi, Junpei, Ryuzaki.

Ans. Eisuke, Leon, Kiyoharu, Yamato, Ichigo, Minato, Takuto, Yuzuki, Miyabi and Issei.

Q.10) What are your favourite songs?
Ans. I dont have anything particular as favourite. I listen to songs according to mood 😅.

So that's it. I hope I dont sound very boring 😅😅.

So here I tag some of the people. If you feel like you may answer these questions. 😃😃


Here are the questions:-
1) Tell me about your nicknames 😃.
2) What are your hobbies?
3) What do you do when you want to pass time?
4) Which Voltage game is your favourite?
5) Which Kbtbb character is your favourite?
6) If Voltage gives you a chance to choose any game and you will get to play the entire game for free, then which one will it be?
7) Which voltage fanfiction story is your favourite?
8) When you first read my story what did you thought about it first?
9) Who's your best friend on wattpad?
10) With which Voltage character would you like to go on a date? 🙈

So here are the questions. 
And with this the book of "Sequel of forever yours comes to an end".
Thank you everyone for showing me soooooo much love and support, it really means alot.
Thank you for reading :-):-):-).

Sequel to Forever yours, Kissed by the baddest bidder-EisukeWhere stories live. Discover now