Chapter 5

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Woebegone – Chapter 5

        B E N E A T H   T H E   B L A D E


                A couple of days passed; and sadly, my bandages were removed. The white cloth was such a fine accessory. In fact, they didn’t have to take them from me. That moment when they slowly unrolled those strips… I can still remember it vividly. It felt like a part of me was being taken away. They restored my ability to walk around again, but they told me that I should be careful and enumerated all those crappy safety rules. Now, I am watching some dorky show in TV. Previously, they tried giving me cheap toys to provide some entertainment for me. How foolish of them… If they wanted to make me happy, they should let me move around at free will.

A/N: This work is under intensive revision. Ignore this work for the mean time. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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