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•••Sunday June 20th(day of show)4:30

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Sunday June 20th(day of show)
4:30. Four in the freaking morning. Yes. I Sydney Evangeline Mendes am up at this time of day. Or morning I should say. I don't know how I did it, don't as me.

I had laid out all my show clothes for the day. It was going to be one hell of a day. I'd be up and about for a good sixteen hours. I shut off my ever annoying alarm. If it wasn't my phone making the noise I would have chucked it by now, since I kinda really need my phone. I groaned and flipped the light switch making me narrow my eyes at the burning light. The party yesterday ended around seven and I was still exhausted.

Note to self don't go to a party the day before a show...

Ashley said she'd send me a text who I was riding because she didn't make up her mind until last night. I had been taking lessons on every horse since then though.

I entered my bathroom brushing my hair quickly. I put on the slightest bit of mascara. Ashley had explained to the team that the show was at the school Ivy Creek. Pretty big school to have a horse stables and Equestrian team. Apparently their team is extremely good as well. In ever level. I expected people from the school it self to be watching. I didn't want to look like a complete bumb.

I wiggled my way into my brand new never worn white show breeches. Yes wiggled. These pants are so damn tight. And buttoned up a white show shirt. It was long sleeved so I was ninety nine percent sure I would dye either of eating or I'd just melt away at how hot I'd become. I grabbed my pretty show boots that my dad had bought me and zipped them up in their bag. I grabbed my backpack and stuck in my show jacket, sweater that said Storm Creek Stables, gloves, my toms so I didn't break my feet walking in boots all day. A hairbrush, hairnet, all my paperwork that my mom and I had organized into a folder the other day. The mini first aid kit, my portable charger and wallet. I picked up my grooming kit of my chair that sat in the corner of my room. All my horse to be's tack would be at the stables. We still had braiding to do this morning and doing touch ups.

I think I had everything. I checked over the list my mom made me that sat on my dresser. I had everything. Perfect. I picked up my phone tucking it in my waistband of my breeches. My white shirt was tucked in. Know what? I grabbed my short sleeved white shirt and changed into that instead. I grabbed my sweater out of my backpack and put that on instead. So much better. I slung my backpack over my shoulders, draping my grooming bag on my left shoulder and picked up my boot bag and helmet with my right hand. I switched off the light in my room and opened my door to reveal a half dead Hunter. Not literally but he definitely looked dead. He did get pretty wasted last night. I sent him a smirk that I'm not sure he could catch in the darkness.

"Where are you going at this time of morning" he grumbled with his nasty morning voice.

"Ew morning breath" I gagged making him let out his little growl noise.

"Where are you going Sydney"

"To the horse show remember?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah. Don't mess up kiddo" he grumbled.

"Shut up"

"C ya kiddo" he yawned and turned back towards his room shutting his door behind him.

I heard a soft knock on the door downstairs. The kids were asleep upstairs so I wasn't going to wake them up. I unlocked and opened the door revealing a bright eyed Trinity.

"Quick! Gosh you have a crap ton of stuff sista " she laughed grabbing my  helmet and boot bag from me throwing them in the back of her dads truck. I hopped in the back seat.

"Morning Mr Grant!" I greeted her dad sending him a smile as he sent me a smile through the rear view mirror.

"Way too early morning" he chuckled pulling out of the driveway. "I'm not even sure how Trinity woke me up"

I napped in the car ride to the stables. The night, or morning, whatever you want to call this time reflected the horses too. Everything was quiet. We grabbed our things out of the trunk of the truck and waved good bye to Me Grant. Our paddock boots crunching quietly against the gravel path leading up to the barn. The lights were all switched off except for a few near the tack room and wash stalls. We entered the tack room to reveal a couple riders dotting it all grabbing things for their show ponies.

Ashley caught sight of us and waved us over.

"Hey girls! Ready for today?" She smiled. We both nodded excitedly.

"About how many riders are coming today?" Trinity asked curiously eyeing all the riders getting ready.

"Twenty? More or less" Ashley shrugged. "Go get Benj" she instructed Trinity. She nodded and walked off towards wherever ever Benj was. I've seen Trin ride him before he was a cute horse with pretty coat colourings.

"You never texted me who I was riding" I said warily.

"Oh my gosh I apologize. You're taking Bentley. He should be in his stall" she whacked her head gently as if reminding herself. I smiled.

"It's fine. You're trying to organize all these riders" I smiled before turning to get Bentley from his stall. I made my way down the barn carry my heavy load around with me. I stopped at his stall and placed all my stuff on the ground with a heave.

"That's too much work" I grumbled peering over into Bentley's stall. He was snoozing lying down in his shavings.

"Fudge you, now I'm gonna have to groom you again" I whined. He just flicked an ear at me and opened one eye before shutting it again. I unlatched his stall door stepping inside. He peered up at me. He gave me an unimpressed horse stare. Seriously making me work?

"Common buddy get up" I tried coaxing him up and pulling him by his halter but he wouldn't budge. I quickly grabbed my treats from my grooming back that was just outside his stall and he had his gaze trained on the treat bag. I took one out and coaxed him up no problem feeding it to him along with a few pats.

I wasn't sure who Melanie would be riding but I would find out eventually. Id rather ignore her as much as I can. That girl's middle name is probably drama. It's like imprinted on her.

I led Bentley out of his stall and turned on a light near by after putting him on cross ties. The dim light was just enough to be able to groom him a bit and get him read for the trailer ride. I brushed him down getting his black coat glossy, gorgeous and shiny. They bathed the show horses last night so they'd be extra clean, but I ran him over with a sponge just because he was a bit dusty from the shavings. After he dried I brushed him over one last time and spritzed on his show sheen. I put on his shipping boots and a light blanket on him to keep him clean.

I put on his halter and clipped him to a lead rope leading him outside, having to go around the barn since we exited through the back. We had about three trucks each hauling a trailer to hold about six horses. I handed him off to Ashley who loaded him and a few other horses in the trailer instructing me and a younger girl who looked about ten to go and grab our equipment so we can put it in the back of the trucks. I hurried away to the tack room and browsed the labels for the name Bentley.

My eyes landed on his expensive looking tack. I swung his covered saddle off the rack tucking it under my right arm and grabbing the bridle and hanging it on my left shoulder. I brought it over to the truck and handed it off to a groom.

"I'll be back with his breastplate, boots and pads" he nodded at me turning to place them in the trailer. I ran back into the barn, careful to walk when inside, grabbing his matching chestnut brown saddle pad, bonnet and boots. I got them all last week when I had invited Trinity to come shopping for the show.

After packing everything up in the trucks, horses included. We all piled into the trucks and extra cars before pulling out of the gravel path into the still dark morning.

It was officially show day.

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