Chapter 11 (Dimitri POV)

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It took a few hours to train Adrian in the perfect technique for stabbing a Strigoi. Along with his annoying remarks every once in a while, it was hard to leash my temper.

He had finally managed to charm it and practiced staking the dummies that we had in the training room. Christian Ozera also came to the training room after an hour to watch how it was going.

While Adrian was taking one of his million breaks, I walked up to Christian,"How's the princess?"I asked him.

"She's doing better but she's hoping that this works because if it doesn't she will be crestfallen and I don't think she will be able to last through it."said Christian.

"It's good that she is doing better.We are trying our hardest to actually bring her back."I said to him,"Head back to your room Adrian and meet me here at 7:00 AM. Christian, we are leaving at 8:00 AM tell Eddie as well."Christian and Adrian nodded and left the training room. Even I walked out of the room and went to my room to take some rest before I left for the attack.


I was up by 6 AM which was around the time that most Moroi went to sleep. I went to the training room with everything I needed for the attack. Adrian came soon after and began practicing for restoring Rose.

Exactly at 7:30 Eddie and Christian came into the training room. I saw that Eddie had a stake in his belt and Christian had not bought anything with him. All three of them looked tired for being thrown off their sleep schedule but they didn't say anything against leaving now. "I'll be back."I said to them and left thee training room to go smuggle one of the Academy's cars to get out of the Academy undetected.

It took no time to actually get one and park it in the driveway with my supplies.I went back to the training room and brought all three of them  with me to the car. They sat down in the back with Christian sitting in shotgun and I got into the driver's seat. I began to drive the long distance to the location given to me by the Strigoi.


As soon as we got to the location I walked out of the car with the others following close behind me. The location was a small villa off the main road of the small city in Montana. I walked up to the door and kicked it down. 

Inside were a few strong Strigoi men with two women Strigoi. One of them was Roza. I could never mistaken that face but the expression on her face was different than what I had imagined. 

As soon as they heard us come in they began to attack. Christian threw his fireballs while Adrian was standing behind Eddie while Eddie stabbed the Strigoi around him.I also stabbed my fair share of Strigoi.

Soon there was only the woman in front of Rose and Rose who were left. Christian had a fireball ready to shoot and Adrian was walking up to Rose. I guarded Adrian while Eddie guarded Christian. 

"So you finally caught us."said the woman. "Well you are sneaky. But your girlfriend is no longer her old Dhampir self anymore she has finally embraced the fact that she is Strigoi." The woman was smiling at us and Rose with a tired look."Okay, I'm ready for you to kill me."the woman said calmly she was exaggerating and we all knew it.

Christian and Eddie took a two sided attack strategy to kill the woman while I pinned Rose down and let Adrian come and try to stab her,"Comrade,I'm no longer the girl you loved. I've changed. I'm Strigoi now."She said.

Then she did the unthinkable. She dug her fangs into my wrist. Adrian looked horrified while he took the opportunity to try and stab her. The pain coursed through my veins while I tried to shake her off and bite back a scream.

Suddenly as if the angels had come down to Earth Rose's fangs got out of my wrist. She went limp and the room was filled with a bright white light .I couldn't understand from where it came from and just stared at Eddie and Christian who had the same shocked looks on their faces.


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