Chapter 6 (Dimitri POV)

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"Roza?"I said into the phone.Christian and Lissa looked at each other before looking at me.

"Yes Dimitri," Rose's voice replied from the other end. It was raspy but I knew it was her.

"Where are you?" I asked her.

"Your girlfriend is here but we are waiting to kill her unless you give us the Dragomir princess."I heard a male voice say into the phone."We will wait for a week for your response and we will give you your girl." Suddenly the line got cut off. 

Lissa and Christian were standing and waiting for what my answer would be.I closed the phone and turned towards them. 

"Well what did Rose say?," Lissa asked with the obvious note of worry in her voice.

"Rose didn't speak for long."I said hanging my head,"The group of Strigoi are holding her hostage as Strigoi for you Lissa. If we hand you over they will give Rose back."

"That's not happening."said Christian,"Besides, Belikov why do you care for finding Rose this much?" Christian asked me.He had a mischievous smile on his face. "It's more than what a  teacher do for their student."

I couldn't avoid the answer this time. I sat down and said,"I love Rose."

Lissa had a shocked expression on her face. However Christian didn't look surprised. "I guessed this before itself." he had a smirk on his face.

"We'll talk about this later,"said Lissa,"there has to be a way to trick the Strigoi and save Rose intstead of killing her."She still had a shocked expression on her face. 

"Wait... I just had an idea. Do you think there could be a way that Spirit users could charm a stake with their healing magic. We could heal Strigoi back to Moroi."said Lissa with the idea shining in her eyes.

"But you are not going to do that Lissa."said Christian defensively."We will just have to ask another spirit user."

I thought for a moment. "It's time to call in Lord Ivashkov."I said


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