Chapter Ten:Harper

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Once I heard Seth start to talk, I ran as fast as I could up the stairs.  I went right into my room and laid down on my bed. Tonight was amazing. "Wow." I said audibly. I gently touched my lips. I could still feel his kiss. It was the most incredible kiss I've ever had. Christian was much better than any other guy I've dated. The way he morphed his lips with mine was impeccable. He didn't even try to force his tongue. Every other guy I've kissed did on the first try. 

As I laid there and thought about it, Seth came up and knocked on my door. "Come in!" I hollered. I sat up as he opened the door, walked in, and sat down on the end of the bed. I had a feeling that something bad was about to happen.

"Harper," He started. "I take it you like him." He kind of pointed down to the front door. I knew who he meant. I wasn't stupid. At least, I don't think so. 

"Well, I guess so." I brought my knees to my chest and stuffed my face into my arms. I could feel the heat. "He's really nice, cute, and funny. He also doesn't act like all the other guys." He looked at me for what seemed like forever before he said anything. 

"Honey," He said gently. I could tell he's never done this before. "He isn't like the other guys. He's really sensitive. He also gets attached easily. I just want you to be careful." He looked slightly sympathetic. I stared at him for a few minutes, trying to decide as to whether to reply him, or not. 

"Okay." Was all that would come out. I wanted to say a million things, but all of the sudden I got a frog stuck in my throat. Seth nodded and left. I just lay back down and starred at my ceiling. I thought about the kiss again. I thought about how when we were on my porch, how my shirt somehow got raised up. I thought about everything. How bad it must have looked to Seth. I didn't want him thinking any less of Christian because of me. 

I grabbed my phone. I don't know why, but my fingers called Bryce. I couldn't stop them. I held the phone to my ear, I wasn't sure if he'd even answer. I guess I was wrong.

"Hello?" He said. He sounded like he was asleep. I was immediately apologetic.

"I'm so sorry. I don't even know what time it is over there." I almost ran my mouth out of words. 

"Whoa, Harper? Is that you?" He said. Did I call his house phone?

"Yeah it is." I did.

"What's up? You sound like you're about to have a panic attack." I guess I have been. I started to calm down. I told him the events of the evening.

I started in the beginning. About how Seth asked me to do the youth worship. Then I went to how I spilled to smoothie on Christian and how he had to take his shirt off for the rest of the night. Bryce started to sound worried. Like I may have done something i regretted. then I just spit it out.

"He kissed me." I let out a breath. I realized I hadn't taken a breath the whole time I was telling the story. Bryce just stopped.

"He what? This Christian guy? What the heck? You've been there a week!" He sounded mad.

"Well, I guess it only takes that long," I started to say, but Bryce cut me off.

"It took me eleven years, and I still got shot down." So this is what it's about. 

"I told you why I couldn't be with you. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. It just wasn't worth it. You know?" I said. Bryce took it all wrong,

"So now I'm not even worth dating?" He didn't even give me time to get him to rationalize with me. He hung up and I was left alone, in my room. I basically threw my phone to the other side of the room. 

"God!" I said. Why does this stuff always happen to me? I laid on my bed, my hands covering my face.  I thought back to when I asked Bryce if he would come with me. I started to think about all of the things that would have happened differently if he hadn't of kissed me and come. I wouldn't have found out I had an uncle. We probably wouldn't have anywhere to stay. A lot of things would have turned in a different direction. The main one being, I would have never met Christian. As I lay there, in my sorrow, I desperately clung to the thought that everything happens for a reason, and Bryce being mad at me like this, is just so that I will have more room in my heart for Christian to love me. 

I heard my phone start to buzz. I jump up with the hope that Bryce was calling back to apologize. When I got over to it, I was disappointed. It was a number I didn't recognize. I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said. At first I heard nothing, but then I he spoke.

"Hey Harper!" It was Christian. I was overjoyed to hear his voice. He sounded so happy.

"Hey Christian." I smiled. I guess I sounded a little bit down.

"What's wrong?" He said sympathetically. I don't want him to think that I left some long lost lover behind in North Carolina. So I did something I regretted as soon as it came out. 

"Nothing, just cut up some onions." I knew it was wrong, but I didn't want to burden him with my stupid problems. "I'm alright."

"Hm, okay." I think he knew I was lying though. "What's up?" He sounded a little bit more cheery this time. 

"I'm just sitting in my room. Really just boring." I laughed. 

""Oh. Well, I wanted to ask you something." I was slightly scared to ask what it was.


"I wanted to know if you wanted to come bowling with me and a few people from the youth group. We're gonna see a movie and go bowling actually." He stopped talking long enough for me to answer him. 

"Um, when exactly?"

"Tomorrow night." 

"Okay. That sounds really fun. I haven't really done anything since I've been here anyway." He laughed a little bit at that. 

"Well, maybe, one day I can take you on a tour of our wonderful little city." 

"It's a date." I said. He stopped talking for a minute. "Well not an actual date you know the term it's a date." I halted myself knowing if I kept talking I would make it worse.

"Oh, no. It's okay." He laughed. "It's a date. A date date." I know he couldn't see but I covered up my rosey red cheeks anyway. 

"Alright then." I almost died on the floor.

"Well I have to go. Dinner is being served." He said with a slight french accent. I laughed.

"Okay. Well, I'll talk to you later on. Bye." 

"Bye." I hung up. A date date? 

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