Chapter Five: Harper

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I hated leaving Bryce. We've been together for as long as I can remember. Even went to the same summer camps. The drive to Las Angeles was horrible. It took more than a day and a half. When I got there, I didn't even know where to go. I was just basically driving around aimlessly. I found a random church a long the road so I pulled in hoping someone would help me, or tell me to get lost. 

It turns out my first guess was right. I was looking at the GPS Bryce got me, and this attractive guy came up to my window, scares me half to death, and then tells me what I need to know. 

"Holy crap dude! 'The heck you want?" I rolled down my window. He didn't repsond for a minute or two. He looked like he was thinking/.

"Oh! I just saw you driving around aimlessly. I thought you might need some help" He said. "You from out of tow?" I looked at my bag then back at him. 

"Uh, yeah I am, and I could use some help. I have no clue where I'm going. I'm supposed to find my uncle's house, and I have no clue where its at." I laughed a little to make myself feel more friendly. 

"Yeah um, what's the address?" I handed him the picture of my uncle. He studied it for a minute. "Hey. This is the youth pastor at my church. Right over there." He pointed towards the church. "He should still be there."  I looked at it for a second. He's a youth pastor?

"UH, thanks. I guess I'l see you around then." I started to reach for the gear shift.

"Oh uh, I didn't catch your name." I laughed a moment.

"The name is Harper. Harper Evans." He smiled. I drove off towards the church. I looked back in my mirror and he was still standing there looking at me. I drove to the door. Do I really want to do this? I thought. There were so many thoughts going through my head. 

When I finally got the guts to get out of my car, I almost got straight back in. Even the building was terrifying. I looked through the glas double doors. He was surely enough standing at a podium. I tried to open the doors but they were locked. I knocked once on the door. His head shot up at the noise.He got down and walked towards the door. 

"May I help you?" He said. He didn't have a deep voice like I thought he would. It fit his look though. He  had on a black jacket, jeans, and a pair of what looked like Toms. How old is he again? I fumbled with my words for a few seconds.

"Uh, yeah, are you, Seth Evans?" He looked me over. Then replied.

"Um, do I know you?" He asked skeptically.

"Well, technically, you should, but I'm Harper Evans. I'm your niece." I waved and smiled.He looked me right in the face. He looked shocked and confused all at the same time.

"You're Micheal's kid? Come on in!" He opened and held the door for me. I smiled.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm staying here in Las Angeles for awhile, but I have no place to sleep. So I was wondering if I could maybe bunk at your place for awhile." I wanted to be as sweet and nice as possible. 

"Uh," He just stood up at the podium for a minute.

"I mean, I have money. I just thought," My voice trailed off. He was still thinking. I started to back away when he said,

"No! I mean, you can stay in my extra room I guess. It's not much. He half smiled. 

"Oh, thank you!" I exhaled a breath I realized I had been holding in the whole time. After that he just stared at his notebook. I started to walk around the room. I took a seat at the first pew. He suddenly flipped his notebook shut and looked at me. 

"Do you have your own car?" He grabbed his keys from the shelf behind him. 

"Yeah." That's all I could say. Nothing else really would come out. 

"Great. I'll let you follow me to the house in your car." He shoved the huge key ring into his pocket, He grabbed like what looked like his bible. "Okay. Let's get this show on the road." He turned out all of the lights and motioned for me to follow. I walked out of the church and to my car. I saw his car from across the parking lot It was the only other one there. I told him I'd meet him at his car and hopped in mine. I started it and drove across the parking lot. 


I honked my horn. He jumped ten feet in the air. He turned and laughed at me. I watched him get in his car and start the engine. Once we were out of the parking lot it was smooth sailing. I followed him all the way to his house. It was huge! 

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