Chapter 22 : Hit

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A/N : Alright. So this is the last chapter of this book, but there will be a sequel because I got some suggestions and ideas. I decided to combine 2 ideas. One is from @R5myidols and the other is from @yAyRyDeLiSbAe. These are both really awesome creative people and writers. So go check them out!

Chapter 22

A few days later...

Riker POV

I was doing really well. The medication was keeping me super calm, and my doctor said I might be able to get off my medication in a few weeks if I'm still doing well. I'm super excited.

Rydel and I were hanging out at the mall today. We were having some sibling bonding time. I've been learning to really appreciate my siblings after everything that's happened.

"Thanks for driving me here today and everything," Rydel said, as we walked out to the parking lot.

"No problem. I'm just really happy lately, and I wanted to make it up to you from how I treated you... You know... When everything happened with dad..."

"I know. It's ok, Riker. I forgive you. I'm just glad the old Riker is back."

I smiled, and got in the car. Rydel got in too.

"When we get home, we should have a movie night," I said, buckling my seat belt.

"Ok. I'm down for that."

I started driving home. 

"I think we should invite everyone else to watch the movie with us. It's Friday night, after all. Nobody has school tomorrow," Rydel said.

"Ok. And we can make popcorn. Actually, you have to make it because you make it the best."

"Sure. Oh! You know what else we could have?"


"We could make- RIKER LOOK OUT!"

The last thing I saw was a car about to slam straight into us.

The end.

A/N : New book should be up sometime within the next few days if I don't have too much going on with college. It will be called Returning Home. It will have some interesting twists. In the meantime, you guys can check out my other current books. I'm going to be giving all of them some more attention. They're called Foster Brother, Finding Riker, and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting! ~Kylie

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