Chapter 15 : Headache

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A/N : Just so you guys know, updates are going to be slower because I started college. This Friday's shoutout goes to my friend @yAyRyDeLiSbAe for all the funny comments on my books. Go check out her book Struck. It's about Riker Lynch. And I think it's really good so far!

Chapter 15


Riker POV

I'd taken some of that medicine my doctor prescribed to me. And I wasn't feeling any different yet. I was still nervous and anxious.

I was in my bedroom right now, working on some of my makeup work...

"Hey Rik-"


My homework ended up on the floor. My cheeks flushed red as I looked towards the doorway. It was Rocky.

"You ok, bro?" He asked.

"Um... Yeah... You just scared me..."

"How was the doctor's?"

"Um... It was ok... I got medicine and stuff... I don't know if it works though."

"Oh... Well I hope it does. I know how nervous you seem to get now..."

I sighed.

"Mom says dinner's ready in 10 minutes, so... finish up, I guess," Rocky said, setting down his backpack.


I finished the math problems, and then followed Rocky downstairs for dinner.

The next day...

Riker POV

Back to school....

I'm so not thrilled.

So far, people have been pointing at me and whispering in the halls while I was at my locker. I know they're talking about me. I know they're making fun of me for getting anxious and crying in class on monday...

I can only hope today will go a bit better...

I walked to my first class. I sat down at the back of the room. I'm already freaking out a little inside...

The warning bell rang, and everyone else started to file in. I kept getting all these nasty glares from people. And everyone seemed to be whispering. I slouched down in my chair, and just stared down at my notebook.

They're talking about you. Everyone is making fun of you. They think you're dumb. You're so behind in your classes. And all because you wouldn't cooperate at the mental hospital.

I covered my ears and laid my head on my desk. My head hurts and I don't know how to get the voice out. 

The bell rang, signaling that class was beginning.

"Alright. Pop quiz!" My teacher said.

I sighed. I'm doomed.

My teacher came over to me.

"Riker, have you gotten caught up yet?"

"Uh... Not exactly..."

"Ok. I want you to try to be all caught up by monday, alright? And then we can make arrangements for test makeups."

"Ok... Thank you..."

I pulled out my math stuff, and just started working on the rest of it. Everything was so confusing though. 

You're so dumb. You can't even figure out basic math.

My head hurt so bad now. It was pounding.

I packed up my stuff, and walked up to my teacher's desk. 

"Can I please have a pass to the nurse?" I whispered.

"Sure. Are you ok?"

"My head just hurts really bad..."

I got the pass, and silently left the room. I went to my locker and got my other make up work. And then I went to the nurse.

I signed myself in, and sat down, waiting to be called.

"Riker Lynch."

I stood up, and walked over to the nurse.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I have a really bad headache."

"Do you want to lay down for a little while?"

"I want to go home."

"Ok. I'll call your mom... You can go lay down while you wait."

I walked over to one of the beds, and laid down. 

And now you'll fall even more behind because you're missing even more school.

"Shut up," I whispered.

The nurse walked over to me.

"Your mom will be here in about 10 minutes."


I curled up on my side, and shut my eyes. My headache is getting worse and worse. 

I started feeling a weird sensation, almost like I was falling. My eyes snapped open. But I was fine. I was on the bed.

Ok, I'm not closing my eyes again...

I stared at the clock, and just watched the minutes tick by until mom got here. And she was not here in 10 minutes. She was here in 12.

"Riker, your mom is here," the nurse said.

I stood up, and grabbed my backpack. I almost felt sort of wobbly and dizzy. My head hurt so bad that it was hard to walk or even think straight.

"Are you ok? The nurse said you had a bad headache, and you look a bit pale," mom said, putting her arm around me as we walked out of the school.

"I thought the medicine would make the voice go away. Why isn't it working?" I asked, starting to cry out of frustration.

"Riker, it'll take a few days for the pills to start working. Did something happen at school?"

I got into the car, and put on my seat belt.

"It's just that everyone is whispering and glaring and making fun of me... And the stupid voice is screaming at me, and my head just hurts so bad!"

"Alright, honey. Calm down."

Mom started driving home. I stared out the window. My head was pounding.

"What does the voice say?" Mom asked.

"It makes me feel bad... And alone... And like I'm such a bad person, and I'm dumb, and-"

"Ok, ok, settle down..."

Tears ran down my cheeks. I just kept staring out the window.

Finally we got home.

"Alright, I want you up to bed. I'll bring you some medicine in a few minutes, ok?"


I slowly walked upstairs, hanging onto the railing as I went in case I got dizzy all of a sudden. I made it to my bedroom, and laid down. My head hurt so bad. I wanted to rip my forehead off because that seemed like it would be less painful than letting it keep on throbbing.

"Here. Take this. And hold an ice pack to where it hurts," mom said, walking into my room.

I took the medicine and held the ice pack to my head.

"Are you ok besides your head?" Mom asked.

"I don't want to go back to school. Mom, please. Everyone is like out to get me. I can't go back!"

"Ok, I want you to get some rest, Riker. We'll talk about this a bit more when you feel better, ok? I have some housework to do, but I'll be up to check on you, ok?"

"Ok, mom..."

She left. My head was still pounding. But I shut my eyes, and fell asleep.

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