Chapter 2 : Confined

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Chapter 2

Riker POV

"Let me go! I didn't do anything wrong!" I screamed.

They pushed me into the back of a police car as I struggled against them. 

"Let me go!"

They slammed the doors shut, and got in. They started driving. I had no idea where they were taking me. What did I do wrong? It's not like I killed anyone or anything!

I started kicking the back of the seat in front of me. But it didn't seem to bother the police officer, so I stopped because it was hurting my foot.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, angrily.

"To a mental institution."


"Your mom thinks you have some issues that need to be resolved. And she doesn't think it's safe for you to be at home right now. You're a danger to your family."

"This is not fair. Take me home."

"I can't do that. You're 17, and your mom called us to take you to the mental institution, so that's where you're going. There's no negotiating this."

This can't be happening. This has to be a dream or something.

Within a few minutes, we'd arrived at the mental institution. I was forcefully dragged inside.

"Alright, Riker. Are you going to cooperate with us tonight?" A man asked.

They took my handcuffs off, and I immediately tried to run. The police officers stopped me though, and I started screaming. I tried to push everyone away from me. I hit a few people, and then I felt something in my arm. There was a needle in it.

"W-what did you do!?" I stammered.

"We just need you to calm down for us," the man said.

My whole body started feeling really heavy and weak. I sunk to my knees on the ground, and tried to steady myself.

The police officers left. Two men in white clothes picked me up under my arms, and carried me to the stretcher across the room. They laid me down, and started wheeling me to another room. I felt so weak. I could barely keep my eyes open any longer.

"This is Riker Lynch. His mom called earlier. He should have a file made already."

"Yes, right here. His mom said he was being violent. Let's see... Pushing... Hitting... Getting into fights... Bad grades... Aggression... Fighting with siblings..."

I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. My eyelids drooped closed, and I fell asleep.


Rydel POV

"When is he going to come home?" I asked mom.

"I don't know... Maybe a few weeks."

"What is he going to do about missing school?"

"He'll have to make it up when he comes back."

"Do you really think they can turn him back into how he used to be?"

"I hope so... I really miss the old Riker."

Riker POV

I heard a noise, and I jumped. My eyes snapped open, and I sat up immediately. I was in a bed with some light gray sheets. The room wasn't very big. It had tile floors, a small table next to the bed, a bathroom, and that was it. 

I got out of bed, and tried the doorknob.


"Someone, let me out!" I screamed, starting to bang on the door. 

Within seconds, someone was at the door. It was the man in white from before. He unlocked my door, came inside, and locked it again.

"Let me out," I growled.

"No. How about we try going to therapy, ok?"


He tried to touch my arm, but I jerked away from him. 

"Don't touch me!" I screamed.


"Stay away!"

He tried to touch me again. I grabbed his arm, and tackled him to the floor. I got the keys from him, unlocked the door, and bolted.

I turned the corner of the hallway, and crashed straight into a random stretcher, and fell. I saw more people in white coming for me. I tried to get up, but they got to me faster than I could move, and they stuck me with another needle. 

Everything got all heavy. I could barely move again. I felt peoples' arms around me, and I was placed on another stretcher. I fell asleep before I found out where they were taking me.


Riker POV

I woke up, and I was in a different room. Everything was white and soft looking. My bed was just a mattress on the floor with blankets. I had a pillow too. The walls were soft, the floor had carpet, and I had no side table. And there was a toilet out in the open. No bathroom.

This is a problem.

I looked towards the door. No doorknob, but there was a tiny window, and there was a note taped to the other side.

I got up, and walked over to it.


You have been put in solitary confinement for 2 days. Someone will come by to bring you your meals. You will be let out and put in a normal room in 2 days, and you can have a second chance to behave.

Well that's just great...

They probably put me in here so I couldn't hurt myself or whatever. But I'm not crazy! I don't belong here!

I suddenly realized they'd changed my clothes. I'm in light gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt. Did they seriously change my clothes in my sleep!?

I sat back down on my mattress, and decided maybe I should get some sleep. There's no clock in here, but I'm almost certain it's the middle of the night. And I'm still sleepy.

I laid down, and pulled the covers over myself. But when my time in here is up, I'm not planning on behaving. They think I need therapy, and they're going to try to force me into it. I don't need it, and I want to get the hell out of here!

The bright lights in here were making it extremely difficult to fall asleep. I pulled the covers over my head to make it dark.

But I still couldn't sleep. My thoughts were keeping me awake. I was thinking about a certain day. 


Riker POV

"Kids! Get down here now!" Mom called.

Rocky and I paused our game, and walked from the living room to the kitchen. Rydel, Ross, and Ryland came downstairs. As soon as I saw mom's face, I knew something was wrong. She was crying.

"Get in the car. Your father was in an accident."

We all scrambled outside, and got in the car. Mom drove us to the hospital. We were all told to wait in the waiting room while mom went to talk to a doctor. 

Nobody knew what was going on. Dad was in an accident. But was it serious? How serious?

Mom walked back over to us. My heart was starting to race because her expression wasn't good.

"What's going on?" I asked, nervously.

"He was hit by a drunk driver. There was nothing they could do... They lost him..."

End of flashback.

My eyes were a bit watery, but I blinked back my tears. I'm not going to cry. I just wish that memory would disappear...

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