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Dear Lucifer,

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Dear Lucifer,

I love you, because you are funny.

I may seem cold and hard to please, but your jokes never fail to amuse me. Even if they are simply bad, sometimes. Nonetheless, you can always make me smile — I'm sure you've noticed.

We do have similar senses of humor, don't we? Maybe that's one of the reasons we get along so well.... sometimes. Indeed, we fight a lot, but I wish we didn't. I wish we could just lay in bed, laugh at each other's poor puns and be happy.

But, even if we can't always have that (because I make things so goddamn difficult, I'm aware), we'll always have those little moments where I can't help but laugh out loud at something you said. And you might think I haven't noticed how you smile so fondly whenever I do that, but I have.

And now I'm smiling — and of course, you noticed and now you're asking me what I'm doing and if you can read this. The answer is, not yet. I'm hiding these letters so you can't find them yet, though I don't know when you can. For now, this is a little secret, and one day, perhaps I'll reveal it to you.

All the love,

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